More the time passes and more I read these kind of news, more I hold the belief that humanity is mentally ill.
Wtf does it cost to implement / keep a law that respects animal rights? Whatever our beliefs, why not just simply follow the principle of precaution?
Not respecting the rights of sentient being is recognised like a crime, so if there is a doubt, a debate still going on, the principle of precaution should prevail. It's analogue to condemning someone to death without being sure he is a murderer.
For me, it is clear that animals are sentient. But I do respect the opinion of those that do not believe so, even though this belief doesn't make sense to me. My point is that as long as there is no consensus, animal rights should be respected fully. Not doing so is a crime, whatever the official laws says.
Oh yes, it is clear to me that the majority of humanity that we call 'normal' are to some extent mentally ill. Just like how many people can be nudged into ill health just by a cold day due to underlying weaknesses - so too do most of us hold mental/emotional injury/dysfunction that can be felt and noticed in the right conditions.
There are many 'vested interests' that are both sick and also predatorial who will do whatever they can to switch 'respect for life' back through to 'support for death'. The 'positive thinking' approach has allowed this to continue for a long time because many simply refuse to accept that such heartlessness can exist.