Since Bung Karno led this country. The good relations between Indonesia and Russia are closely intertwined. Not once twice has the country received weapons support from the country currently headed by Vladimir Putin. When Bung Karno to Russia tens of years ago, he was greeted with great joy. The people of Russia are so familiar with Bung Karno that it is like a distant relative.
When there was chaos in West Irian, Indonesia was given KRI Irian debt which at that time reached 2.5 billion dollars. With the capital of this ship, the Dutch finally decided to resign and West Irian took part in the NKRI. In modern times, Indonesia bought a lot of combat weapons from Russia. Allowing Indonesia to suffer seems to be something Russia can not do.

On behalf of the generation of the Indonesian nation, I say a lot of gratitude to the Russian State which has helped a lot to our country, for the sake of the country and the progress of the State of Indonesia, Russian services will never be forgotten, hope this good relationship continues, Amin.