Russian Hacking

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Lack of proof for Russian “Hacking” US Elections

The US Intelligence Agency has recently claimed that Russia hacked the DNC and the US elections. Unfortunately, they are not willing to show the public proof of these claims. At this point, the only proof is “trust us.”

Let’s take a step back and realize how ridiculous this is. The US, one of the richest countries in the world, is accusing Russia for tampering with the election process, yet the US will not show any proof, despite their poor track record from the unsupported Iranian nuclear weapon program.

Misleading Headlines: Russia Hacked Elections

The media headlines are misrepresenting the whole situation. No one is accusing Russia on hacking the voting process. Why do we keep hearing Russia “hacked the elections?” It is propaganda. Even the harshest claims against Russia by the CIA do not question the actual election process. Rather, the harshest accusations blame Russia for influencing the election by hacking into the DNC and spreading “fake news.”

Russia favored Trump: No Shit!

There is no doubt Russia favored Trump. This was clear based Putin’s statements and the Russian media. Most importantly, Hillary Clinton showed vigorous opposition to Russia for little reason. Why would Russia support a candidate (Hillary) who so obviously opposes them. Despite this, Russia didn’t like Trump, they only favored him as the better of the two.

Do not listen to the CIA until there is proof

The CIA is a government agency that has a political agenda. Further, as a government agency, they are less rigorous than private sector companies. Therefore they should not be trusted on face value.


  1. The US is accusing Russia for “hacking the elections”
  2. Russia denies hacking into the DNC
  3. The CIA wants people to trust them despite their bad track history

This makes a little difference IHMO.

First, when asked why the CIA was spying Merkel, Hollande, the EU MEP and others, instead of terrorists, Obama said it was "normal activity to collect data" and that "everyone is doing this". So, now "everyone but Russia" is not "everyone"?

Second, what emerged is proofing that Hillary clinton hijacked voting in her party to influence elections: putting herself instead of Sanders. So ,we are blaming Russians because they distorted elections showing how Hillary distorted elections?

Very little achievement, I would say.