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RE: "Great" Moments In Sexism & Gun Control – Men Are Toxic; Give Mom Your Guns, Sonny

in #news7 years ago

I love this lex. Groups are running around spouting sexism and racism and even encouraging the genocide of white males.

Then of course these victims (the men) try to figure out what they are doing wrong and fix it because they don't feel they are horrible animals. When they start supporting the feminazis they get attacked and told that they will never understand or should check their privilege.

Most of this coming from affluent white girls that grew up with everything handed to them.

Then it gets worse. Are you a white feminazi? Not good enough. The PoC feminazis still hate your skin color. And if you defend your heritage at all it is merely because you have internalized the racism. Same goes for PoC defending white people ... Internalized racism.

People are being called out for sexual assaulted 20 years after jerking off in the same room as someone. Someone that willingly stayed in the room because they wanted to boost their career. They could have left, but no, they were assaulted by even the thought of a males penis. (we must clarify males penis because apparently you can be whatever gender you want despite your sexual organs).

More and more of my old friends are falling victim to this abuse. Women are constantly use strawman arguments to derail conversations that get close to the heart of the problem.

When the feminazis realize how the world sees them there is a dilemma. Do they continue and just ignore the truth or do they confront their demons and admit they were wrong? Clearly the easy choice (for some) is to power on through and keep perpetuating hate and discrimination.

I've have gotten into arguments with a person at work (notice I said person, because I didn't care about gender) before and they just brushed everything off by saying I was insecure to see a woman in a power position. This is incredible news to me because I had no idea I felt this way. But it's a good thing I was being taught about my own feelings by someone that knew me for a couple weeks.

I guess it all boils down the the fact that the amount of hypocrisy running rampant in this world is so thick you couldn't cut it with a light saber.


My most recent regret is that my vote-slider goes only to 100%.

"More and more of my old friends are falling victim to this abuse. Women are constantly use strawman arguments to derail conversations that get close to the heart of the problem."

It's a modern-day battle of the sexes, except, 90% of the women aren't participating and the 10% who are shrieking harpies have waylaid the entire narrative.

Barely 20% of women will identify as feminists anymore, and that's according to a feminist co-opted rag:

HuffPo Feminists.png

More and more of my...ahem...more "beta" type male friends are falling into this odd belief that somehow virtue-signalling into the feminist collective is going to get them laid. As if the years of advice to "be themselves and a unicorn will appear" wasn't enough for them to realize you must watch what people do, not what they say, to learn the truth.

"Do they continue and just ignore the truth or do they confront their demons and admit they were wrong?"

It would seem self-evident that they already made this choice in favor of the former.

"by saying I was insecure to see a woman in a power position."

This is where you refer them to projection, pointing out how it is 100% impossible for them to know what you are thinking/feeling, and therefore that their argument is a demonstrable lie, and that the most likely reason for it is that they are projecting their own pathetic biases onto you.

Then you drop the mic.

Thanks so much for your comment, it always feels a little better to come across another island of sanity.

Few identify as feminist but most believe in equality of sexes...that's the reason why they started saying feminism is about equality and suggesting unless you'd call yourself a feminist you are against just treatment for the sexes.

"feminism is about equality"

Yes, except if it were, you'd hear about feminist tirades on the underfunding of prostate cancer on a per-capita basis, or the wholly unethical family court system.

But you don't...cause it's not.

It never was about equality either. That's another excuse, that feminism before was better and now it's getting bad. All feminism is based on believing men abuse women for their benefit. So they are trying to create "better" circumstances for women so they can be at the same level of men. This has nothing to do with equality and it's a lie women are given worse treatment to begin with.

Something I can't quite put my finger on suggests that women may be less interested in prostates than men are breasts, for an unrelated reason.

Estrogen coming from all directions and all sources. Water, food, supplements. It's true. One day we could look exactly like those aliens. Same built. No talking. Unisex.