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RE: dTube: Kanye West Appears to Have Lost His Mind and It's Sad

in #news7 years ago

Kanye has always gone against the grain and has never been afraid to speak up. He’s not crazy. Clearly many people are rightfully pouncing on him due to his terribly worded ‘slavery is a choice’ statement. He is spreading love and freeing people from thier pessimistic and negative paradigm. Overall he is doing way more good than harm.

People can keep calling him crazy, but his bravery and integrity is creating many new fans from all political leanings.

Unity must always triumph over divisive identity politics.


I respectfully disagree with your perspective.

As always, whenever the disagreement is respectful, it’s a victory for civility and respect.

David, you disagree because the very identity politics and progressive virtue signaling around race is what you make your living on. The last thing you want to admit is that you are the very reason for the ongoing victim mentality of the "POC". Your constant pandering to them sets the very stage of continued "slavedom", waiting for the white man to do something "for" them. The problem is mostly self inflicted with help from condescending "progressive" movements holding these victims out in front as shields to hide from your own reenforcement of the "slave/oppressed" mentality and that they are helpless. You are the enabler of the bullshit that Kanye is calling out. He just worded it badly.

I don't know if you are familiar with what we do, but identity politics and progressive virtue signaling aren't our thing. Maybe you meant a different show