News Updates Of The Govt College CHD Student Voice!

in #news5 years ago

About Post Graduate College CHD!

The college Intermediate Part#1 & Part #2 student belonging to JUI Party were on strike and they came to the main tehsil of the village in order to ask for their rights and they have cleared to the media that why they want to strike against the GOvt and the principal of the college!

Student claims that this college was constructed in the 1978 and after that time they have see no renovation there they are having lost of problem while studying there every student session think that they will have to stay here for 2 years or One then they will leave so why they ask for the right.


But this current session has thought that they should ask for the right this is not just for them they know that this time if they ask for the right they will hardly repair it in the next few years and they will be no present in the college but this will be for the rest of the student come to the college in the near future and this will be the inspiration for all the upcoming student that they should ask for their rights always in every way of life.


They further explained that the students are called for the classes at the 12 o'clock at noon time and they get off at 3:00 PM and during the classes there is not power and they set without fans in this heat and they There is no water Arrangement for the students and that is really hard the washroom system and the plumber system of the whole college is damaged from last few years this is the main GOvt college for the the whole city and this is the condition of the College so they should need a proper repair on time!

The student said the the media that the principal himself stated that he paid for the repair of the electric generator for three times and he has Got nothing from the govt side so he is not supposed to repair is always from his own salary.

We need to ask the Govt that if you make a govt College and the post graduate College you should take care of those colleges as well!


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