I just joined Steemit and encouraged my network to. Facebook called it spam.

in #news7 years ago

Mainstream social media is making it harder and harder for indie journalists to use their platform successfully. To our audience (I don't want to call you followers; if you watch News2Share, you're not a follower. You're a freethinker): Come to Steemit. While we'll continue publishing our content in the traditional ways, we're trying something new. Journalism on the blockchain. I'll be uploading our new content onto Steemit/Dtube (Steemit's video section), as well as archiving most of our old work there.

That's what I wrote two days ago on Facebook, with a modest but positive response. I wanted my audience to check out my first Steemit article, Youtube and Facebook are wiping out the indie media. We're going to Dtube/Steemit.

See any spam? Facebook says it does.

For a long time, Facebook has punished outgoing links with poor performance. It is common knowledge that your posts will perform better if they don't contain outgoing links, especially ones with competing services like Youtube. In a way, this makes sense. Facebook stomps down the visibility of Youtube links because they'd rather you post your videos to Facebook. 

Some people have given in. For example, I all but stopped trying to post Youtube links, and instead I post videos to both Youtube and Facebook.

Others, like Derrick Broze, dodge the issue on Facebook by making posts about their work and linking in the comments.

Facebook has the right to do as they please. The website is their property, and if they disappoint their users, that's their loss. However, I was profoundly disappointed to see them call my story "spam."

Did someone report the article? Did a human ever read it or did some steemit-hating AI do this? I'll never know.

I do know that it wasn't just me. Many who shared the article experienced the same:

They even removed the featured image, one person told me:

Facebook has a right to do what they want, but ultimately, it's clear they aren't serving the public. A post I made criticizing their actions gained overwhelming support. Will Facebook change its algorithms to serve the public's needs or desires?

Of course not. They'll aim to fill their pockets with advertising money. Allowing people to advertise alternatives doesn't serve that goal. The user isn't the customer; they're the product.

Social media has put enormous power in the hands of users. As a college student, the company I co-founded garnered 30,000 followers (and a fancy blue checkmark!) I couldn't have achieved that in the days of Walter Cronkite. 

I co-founded News2Share in part to bring the consumer and producer of news closer together. The rise of the citizen journalist has brought accountability to every major power from the to mainstream media to the government itself.

Social media's democratization of the power to spread information was an important step. But with central, corporate power, there will always be flaws. Information flow is clearly adjusted to the financial and social interests of the corporation who owns the platform.

Steemit and its multimedia offshoots offer another step in the right direction. With media on the blockchain, we can escape the soft censorship of algorithms and supposed "community standards." The consumers and creators of the media are closer than ever before, and the flow of money isn't controlled by a central authority.  

The question now is whether people will be willing to evolve.

PS: As I wrote article, I was notified by Facebook that they realized their mistake. While I appreciate the fix, I can't imagine any logical or sincere reason this happened in the first place. With Facebook's enormous power and reach, they should compete with or embrace new technology. Ignoring the future won't make it go away.


FBI-book is just a data collection site for the NSA. Best to delete everything (if you have an account) and never mention it again. Let it die!

You don't really think that Facebook got to where they are all by themselves do you? What by giving a superior service over all of the other social site? Facebook is going the way of myspace and will be replaced with steemit. And if like you say facebook people don't wake up to the bs, then do you really want those followers? They will follow. There is a big changeover happening as we speak. They are losing because of censoring and the people are, or will be, aware.

Right on brother

I'm trying to gather together ALL the journalists on Steemit together under the tag #journalism -- regardless of our beliefs, ideologies, philosophies and status... we all need to be pursuing the right of one another to publish. Glad to see you here, and if you have questions or need help, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Cheers.

Facebook should delete themselves....THEY ARE SPAM

¡Facebook is banning blockchain ads too!

Facebook has been doing this to my husband’s posts for a while (he has a political blog). They have been banning me from posting in groups where people actually liked my posts - all because they wanted the advertising money. Oh well, their time is almost over :). By the way, if you upload your videos to dtube and then share to Facebook from your post, you will get a nice and large thumbnail on FB! :))

Yes! Exactly, tides are turning. Just have to keep spreading the word and having people convert based on the social media aspect because Facebook is just so totalitarian now.

"Ignoring the future won't make it go away"

Well put

Facebook and YouTube must be terrified this platform is gaining traction! Well power too you make another post and use alternate lettering or something!

this is a informative post. thanks for sharing

Mistakes can be correcred.. But it's here to express our voice than in facebook...

I feel comfortable in steem... Facebook and YouTube must be terrified this platform is gaining traction!

Steemit is probably the future.

What we need on Steemit are Groups! A way to interact with people of similar interests. Not just tags that unify topics. I outsource Facebook for that at the moment :) I’m sure they hate it but on what basis could they stop an unaffiliated group like Steemit Musicians?

They’ll fight back for sure! Today, unless DLive works well, I will do another Facebook live about Steemit. That’s a tough one for them because they favor their live videos but I’ll be talking about their competitor in it :)

Use them while you can and build your following here in the meantime ;)

Thank you for your nice post . .
I am your Fan. . Im inspired by U..
Can U plz visit my blog and give me some tips?

I will be blessed if U follow me . . . #shunnoo

I always make helpful posts.

Get out whilst you still can!

Let's make FB and YT obsolete!

right on point dude!!not only in jurnalism,this is general!steemit is the future of social media in my opinion


It was a bot that flagged it basically facebook has a whole list of sites that they have black and grey listed. I am assuming steemit is grey listed as they then turned your post back on. They didi the same to every post i have made from here to there and they love not showing the images either. The thing is Facebook isn't there to "serve the people " it is literally a data mining site they collect every little bit of your information ad content and sell it for a whopping $2+ to the highest bidder usually not over $5. All their algorithms are geared to keeping yo on their site and now the new feed algorithms even show you the posts they think are most likely to keep you n the site.

So of course any site that they see as harmful to their revenue will get a hard time or will be bought up (as we saw with instagram ). Steemit is a threat to that basically we are at a crossroads in so many aspects of society. Humanity has not been this polarised in decades and this polarisation be it political or social always are a forbearer of major shifts and changes within humanity.

When it comes to social media there are two movements at the fork of the road the decentralised peeps who are trying to bring the internet back to a more free and fairer state and the corporations and conglomerates who want to cement and expand upon the status quo.

Even though these corporations with all their money and power are scary the truth is what it always was, no tyrant can rule an unwilling people indefinitely. There other truth is sadly however that most people love their warm and fuzzy complacency. Having leaders to blame and a handbook to follow is so much easier then to look at the world and our own actions and motivations under the unkind lense of of reality. Truth hurts but it also strips away the rot and allows for the healthy and new to blossom.

Humanities rot has long passed critical mass and it will either be stripped of the decay or fall into it's inevitable demise. It really is up to the individual at this point in history to take up the fight of what is important to them. The corporations, power hungry and planet eaters are not going to save us! There s no hero coming we need to be our own saviours in all that is going wrong at the moment. We need to band together with other like minded and champion the causes and things we want changed. In the case of journalism, art and social media the decentralised platforms are doing crucial ground work.

So fuck Facebook and what it did, use it as you need it and put your love and heart where you are appreciated. Build your home here and do what you set out to do, offer the world the pills of truth they are reluctant to swallow.

I can't wait to see Facebook become the next myspace

This is why I built my media brands and audiences on Google+ instead. Facebook is a worthless platform to promote anything. They censor people for profit, promoting only those they choose, while throwing everyone else out with the trash.

They've cut the visibility of most brand pages to practically zero! As an example, I built 2 brand pages back in 2013 for my gaming brand Gamers Bay, one on Google+, and one on Facebook.

The results? Today Gamers Bay brand page on Google+ has close to 12,000 followers, not to mention close to 16,000 community members on G+, while the Facebook page has less than 400 followers. Yeah, Facebook is a sham!

Today, my total audience on Google+ is around the 750,000 mark across all my communities and brand pages, and practically zero on Facebook. Google promotes my work, Facebook censors it and asks for money, or says no one will ever see it.

Facebook is SPAM ❗️What a buch of HYPOCRITES ❗️Sorry that happened to you . I’ll share and keep pushing these COMMUNIST FUCKERS out of our lives . Good luck .👊🏻