HEADLINES: July 25th, 2017 - Bitcoin, Poloniex, Trump, Mueller, Musk vs Zuckerberg, Ambrosus, and More

in #news8 years ago

Alternative Media

New Study Finds Leftists Are Far More Intolerant Than Conservatives
Globalist Mag Calls For Trump’s Impeachment If He Fires Mueller
In Early Tweetstorm, Trump Lashes Out At Sessions For Ignoring "Hillary Crimes"
Musk, Zuckerberg Trade Insults Over AI's "Existential Threat"
VIDEO: Ex-Obama Official Evelyn Farkas Urges Intel Community to Compromise Sources, Methods
Scaramucci Terminates Suspected Leaker Michael Short from White House
Limbaugh Questions Why Media Chose To Ignore A Huge Story Photo of Eric Lieberman Eric Lieberman
Rand Paul: ‘Conservatives Are Getting Squat From Pork Fest Health Bill’
Intel Vets Challenge "Russia Hack" Evidence
Cryptocurrencies Are Crashing Again
Greece Sells €3 Billion In Bonds In 2x Oversubscribed Offering
US Navy Patrol Ship Fires Warning Shots At Iranian Vessel
Daily Trading Volume In Bitcoin Surpasses GLD
Rexit? Tillerson Reportedly Considering Early Exit Amid Trump Administration Chaos
China Adds Troops To India Border, Will Defend Sovereignty At "Whatever Cost"
Czech Government Slams EU Migration Policy Over Security Fears
Ron Paul: Donald Trump Should Veto Sanctions Bill

Mainstream Media

Trump renews Twitter attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions
The Washington Post
Trump's strategy -- troll Sessions to get to Mueller
Exclusive: Trump ponders Rudy Giuliani for attorney general
Senate Health Care Vote: McCain to Arrive for Showdown Vote
The New York Times
The Latest: UN urges resolution of Jerusalem shrine crisis
The Washington Post
The Health 202: Today is a huge turning point in the GOP's long struggle to repeal Obamacare
The Washington Post
The 29 most cringe-worthy lines from Donald Trump's hyper-political speech to the Boy Scouts
US Navy ship fired warning shots at an Iranian boat in the Persian Gulf
Manafort testifies to Senate Intelligence Committee, turns over notes from Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer
The Washington Post
Reports: China Bolsters North Korea Border Defense

Steem #News

Ethereum Co-Founder Launches New Project: Ambrosus Will Use Blockchain Technology To Ensure Food Safety
Swordfish PizzaGate Leaks Begin? Chester Bennington & Chris Cornell, the FAPE Art Program
ALERT! NOW MORE THAN EVER: Become Your Own Central Bank! Here's Why. By Gregory Mannarino
British Colombia Wildfire update: ~ 50,000 people evacuated | Nearly 500,000 hectares levelled in Western Canada. Damage escalates... now entering 3rd week. | VIDEO also.
Update: Poloniex will not assist you in case you loose your Bitcoin by Hardfork
Is This The Flash Crash Before Uncertain Times

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