📬 Daily Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain Update, September 12th, 09:40:00 CET
Disclaimer: Nextblock.io and the information contained herein is not intended to be a source of advice or credit analysis with respect to the material presented, and the information and/or documents contained in this website do not constitute investment advice
🔼 The wait for more advanced bitcoin smart contracts might soon be over. Spurred by last month's SegWit activation, bitcoin developers are reviving a plan that would see the world's most popular blockchain retooled with functionality long synonymous with ethereum and its more expressive code executions. https://goo.gl/iogZVo
🔼 Vietnamese investors are in a hurry to import crypto mining equipment. As the bitcoin price continues to flourish despite the Chinese putting a stop to domestic ICOs investors desperately want mining equipment. However, the legality of bitcoin and cryptocurrency in Vietnam is unclear, and getting miners through customs is difficult.https://goo.gl/RSmPM8
🔽 North Korea appears to be stepping up efforts to secure bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, which could be used to avoid trade restrictions including new sanctions approved by the United Nations Security Council.https://goo.gl/mT4Jhf
📶 Technical Analysis:https://goo.gl/dtGJUH
🔼 The standard that governs how new cryptographic tokens can be launched on top of the ethereum blockchain has been been finalized. Revealed today by the open-source project's developer team, the ERC-20 standard establishes a common set of rules for tokens issued via ethereum smart contracts, and currently serves as the basis for the many tokens that have been released through initial coin offerings (ICOs).https://goo.gl/ykmRxe
🔼 Tether Limited, the leading provider of tokenized traditional government-backed currencies, today announced in partnership with Ethfinex the launch of Tether ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, enabling tokenized US dollars to be exchanged on the Ethereum network for the first time.https://goo.gl/76vaxs
📶 Technical Analysis: https://goo.gl/ipQcW9
🔼 Austrade, the Australian Trade and Investment Commission, in partnership with Standards Australia and the Australian Digital Commerce Association (ADCA) is embarking on a 10 day mission to China today to learn about blockchain technology.https://goo.gl/MPiyDQ
📶 Technical Analysis: https://goo.gl/QYrxPA
Upcoming ICOs
🆕 Kyber starts in 2 days https://kyber.network/
🆕 Cobinhood starts today https://cobinhood.com/
🆕 IMMLA starts in 2 days https://immla.io/
Blockchain News
🔼 With the increasing price of Bitcoin and Ethereum bringing attention to Blockchain technology, corporations are researching ways the technology could be used to optimize their existing business processes.https://goo.gl/Cwi5GX
🔼 Tencent and Intel announced a cooperative effort centered on blockchain technology, according to local media. The announcement was made at the 2017 World Internet of Things Exposition in Wuxi, China. The multi-billion-dollar companies will develop blockchain technology for the TUSI (Tencent User Security Infrastructure) Internet of Things (IoT) laboratory. The joint effort will help provide security monitoring and product safety assessment, among other services to enterprise customers.https://goo.gl/kNQ3Td
🔼 Digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are what most people think of when they hear “blockchain”, but alternative uses for blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) have taken mainstage as of late. At this point, you might already be asking: What exactly is blockchain? What is Distributed Ledger Technology?https://goo.gl/kNQ3Td
Recent Scams
🚩 Avoid Hminers.com
🚩 Avoid Usitech.io
🚩 Avoid Coinart.biz
Final Summary:
Key Events/Conferences Today:
Finovate Fall, New York, USA
Emerging Applications of Blockchain for Supply Chain, Cambridge MA USA
Blockchain in Oil and Gas, Houston Texas USA
Retail in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Commerce Bots, Chicago IL USA
Advanced Digital Innovation Summit, Vancouver Canada
Enjoy your Day
Nextblock Team
Amazing content here :) Glad to have you on Steemit! Definitely have to follow for more news and information.
You will be getting more upvotes from me in the future too.