
The primary thing about the Paris climate treaty is about CO2 emissions which are a trace gas and a very important one at that that is required by all plants and photo plankton on this planet.

With respect to the other sh*t that cars, factories etc spurt out on a daily basis, couldn't agree more, this type pollution needs curtailing with respect to air quality..

But Trump has noted that the US is unfairly disadvantaged by the deal.

Of course, we must pollute less. @nicnas In an ideal world, all our power would be solar or OTEC

Very much agree.

I hope for a time when solar power is accessible to homes without the need to rely on major energy distributors to make it happen.

I dont see this being a huge issue at the moment because usually with these companies you can get everything free. Installation and hardware. They do this because the solar power unit usually produced more than whats needed. This allow many who are unable to afford the investment to start using clean energy.

This could be one place @luvabi @nicnas

Where is it free?
I live in the Philippines. Probably not here?
Great initiative. I'd love to be part of it.

True, probably limited to certain areas. But yea it is a great thing and ill look into this and see what areas have this available.

They used to fund these projects with government funding and rebates. Your local power company may offer some incentives.

They do offer incentives.if you produce more than you consume. I just think if I put a solar cell on my roof somebody will steal it. One I saw goes for Php96000.
Good points. I'll look into it.


Wow if it is free why don't people get it for their homes.