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RE: Psychiatrist says Trump shouldn't have access to nuclear button

in #news7 years ago

Been looking at geo politics full time now for 6+ years and although opinions are everywhere no one seems to use common sense, logic, and facts in their opinions. Look at the individual and not the party. Look at what they say they will do in office and then what they did.

Ask yourself why politicians you glorify making 100k to 200k a year and 5 years later are worth 50 million but never took the time to explain to you or the people that voted for them how to do it.

The left is all about globalism, sounds great but few know what it means.

Ever read agenda 21 or agenda 2030 you can read it on the fema site then come back and say you still want this path..

What do we need to globalize..
One world currency
One world religion
Economic and living standard equalization.

6 billion on the planet, 3 billion making under 2 dollars a day, another 1 billion making under the average of Mexico. Do the math of what equalization will do to your standard of living. It wont be pretty.

But the ones that led you there will still have their millions that is if the UN lets them keep it and does not think it would be better drained into the coffers of equalization. A person that has 300 million in wealth is a lot for 1 person but with 300 million in the USA its but 1 dollar a person.

So keep cheering for this kind of life and I will see you on skid roe.