A dramatic increase in mining virus attacks has been reported in recent months by security experts. The year-on-year increase in these malicious codes, making money for cybercriminals, is a negligible 44%. This results from an analysis of Kaspersky Lab's anti-virus software.
"The number of users affected by malicious software for cryptomania mining increased year-on-year from 1.9 million to 2.7 million. Statistics over the last 24 months have shown that miners are increasingly focusing on developing markets where internet users abuse to enrich themselves, "said Anton Ivanov, a security expert from Kaspersky Lab.
An unnamed visitor often drives people into the computer themselves, mining viruses - like other malicious codes - often spread through unsolicited emails, such as links to social networks or through fake sites.
When the loyalists leap to the cybercriminals for a blemish, they can download a malicious virus after they click on such fraudulent sites. Often under the vision of easy earning or some interesting video.
There are hundreds of mining viruses
Similar mining viruses, according to the most conservative estimates, are hundreds. Users should therefore be very careful in front of them. Beware when the computer cooling is too loud or the machine is unusually slow - in such cases, the mining viruses usually work on its background.
Regular antiviruses will not handle some version of mining viruses, so it's better to use sophisticated applications that can detect web attacks and other masked cybercrime activities.
It attacks mobiles as well
There is also a growing number of minerals targeting mobile devices. "The number of unique attacks through this threat rose by 9.5%. Overall, nearly 5,000 users were attacked between April 2017 and March this year, an increase of about 500 users compared to the previous period. The most common victims of this threat are the Chinese and the Indians, "Ivanov said.
"The reasons for these changes are fairly clear. For cybercriminals, ransomware is an overwhelming and risky way to raise money. It mostly attaches great attention to the media and state institutions. On the contrary, the cryptomimeter mining model is generally easier to initiate and more stable over the long term. After attacking the victim, it is enough to begin to discreetly exploit the cryptome using the processor's performance or graphics device, and then convert it into a legal transaction for real money, "said a security expert.
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