Rohingya, the silent genocide.

in #news7 years ago

What a funny world we live in, each day new headliners about everything and nothing. We all know about the situation in Texas and I’m sure you all know about those evil people from Middle-East that fight against their so good oppressor Bashar Assad. Refugees taken over the world for fun and Taylor Swift bringing out a new song. But did you hear about Rohingya, people located in Myanmar, also known as Burma. Of course, you didn’t, even Microsoft Word doesn’t recognise the word Rohingya.

The media is silent and governments do nothing. The independent journalists disappeared from this world or are busy writing stories about oppressed trans genders that can’t live without their own public toilets. How funny is this, they always claim to write the truth and help those in need by covering their situation and yet the most of them are silent or aren’t they? Don’t you see folks that if the story is not in interests of global brainwashing it will never get into the mainstream media unless in some rare cases. So, are those journalists independent? The answer is simple, they are not.

Thousand people including children and women got killed and raped during the last days. And this only because some few brave men dared to fight back their oppressor in Myanmar. If this was a movie, those men would be honoured and praised as they would be the good guys and heroes. But the reality is different, you can’t fight your oppressors and if they react by wiping out everything and everyone, well yes, you simple deserve it.

Apparently sometimes a genocide is not what it is and the evil can be served as something of a not big matter.
