Meet the guy who envisions a ‘meat brewery’ to help solve a global problem

in #news9 years ago

Bruce Friedrich, 46, is the executive director of the Good Food Institute and managing trustee of New Crop Capital, which both promote restructuring the meat industry away from animal slaughter. He lives in Washington.

Would you call yourself an activist?

Yes. Well ...

Is there another term you would use?

I’m a nonprofit executive. And a venture capitalist. New Crop Capital is focused on finding the companies that we believe will be maximally transformative, away from animal agriculture and toward plant-based and clean alternatives.

Are all of the companies you focus on in the creating, like in the lab?

We have invested in a few companies that are focused on meat and collagen that are cultured. At commercialization it will look like a beer brewery, but it will be for meat. So a meat brewery.

Read the complete interview


Artificial food, nice. Forward to a bright tomorrow.