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RE: Vaccine Passport To Travel?…More Like A Vaccine Passport TO LIVE YOUR LIFE!! What You NEED To Know!!

in #news4 years ago (edited)

And if he comes along to bitch and moan about a few missing bucks, I'll simply attempt to explain how to turn his market into a solid revenue stream utilizing this platform alone. And if he gets it, and learns how to convert donations into upvotes that balloon in value over time, he'll be using other platforms to direct the traffic here, all while his paying consumer accounts balloon as they earn each time they vote (and comment if he's actually smart and upvotes his consumer's comments within reason), effectively turning his content into a nonstop money making machine, all while his consumers actually earn as well. And when consumers earn, you end up with more, and the balloon just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Increasing the value of their votes increases the value of your incoming votes. Yadda yadda yadda.

I'm willing to bet he won't get it. If he's sitting here earning peanuts, all while having a large outside market, that just tells me he does not know wtf he's doing. These people just plant crap everywhere they can and scrape pennies off the floor. It's laughable.


I think you should change your profile pic back. This one makes you much more aggressive!


But everyone knows I'm a nice guy.