
Using irrelevant tags, especially popular tags, makes it hard to find good and relevant content.
Please try to use only relevant tags when posting.

#bitcoin #news

Please be mindful of topic-specific tags. These tags are for articles written in these topics.

More Info: Abuse Guide - 2017.

how is this the wrong tags you dum ass bot

u use bitcoin to buy lct and its news since lct is a new project

I would recommend reading the advice that we have given above.

There is nothing written in your post in these topics, neither about any news nor about bitcoin.It is very simple. #news tag is about news. #bitcoin tag is about bitcoin.

All there is, is a referral link spam with no relevance to the these tags.
Thank you

i was explained that steemit is like facebook so when i tag news it can be about your life but i guess all you self proclaimed steemit police have made it into what you think it has to be

Then go to Facebook