Decentralised Twitter?

in #news4 years ago

Not many people know about the decentralised social media network Twitter is planning to launch. Almost 2 years ago they
announced Blue Sky, but not much was done.

The idea was to create a decentralised standard and make Twitter the client for it. Perhaps like for Hive?


Now it seems the project has a new boss, Jay Graber.

The platform doesn't even have a logo and I'm not sure Blue Sky will be the official name. But at least they finally created a website, well a page actually. And on their community page, they have a list of some of the most outdated and least used decentralised networks, let's hope they don't see them as the example.

Personally I think this is the reason Jack Dorsey has focused on Bitcoin and I guess this and not Twitter will be the place where it could be implemented. A lot of platforms tried to do the same in the past and all failed for the simple reason that people will not tip their Bitcoin to others, let alone for a tweet. So even if Bitcoin was used on Twitter, I don't think it the majority of users will use it to tip others. It could boost the price for a few days or weeks but that's it.

As I have said, there can never be a truly decentralised social media network or any kind of DeFi or financial platform. There are many different reasons but will talk about it another time.

BTW, first Jack said that Blue Sky was the name of the team and the goal was to make Twitter itself decentralised.

But it seems now that it will be a separate project. And although they have the money, Twitter never hired blockchain developers and didn't make the smallest step to make Twitter decentralised. For now, and since 2018 most Twitter data is being moved to ...Google. And you can see them on the Google Cloud page displayed as prominent client.


But at least they made sure to choose a good name in order to convince us that it's not totally centralised.



I send Twitter long time back FUCK off ... so All must do same .

I call BullSH(T a multi billion dollar company cares about one thing. Making more money. They are only doing this because they are losing so many people lately and profits and dropping. So they are now trying to buddy up with the system that's taking their users and money. Anyone believing this is decentralized is clearly nuts.

What a joke Twitter is. Censorship in action while Jack posts good libertarian reads. I dunno what the play is. But action is censorship