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RE: One country two presidents - a challenge to reason [South Africa SONA 2018]

in #news7 years ago

You will soon be at home here. Your posts are great, and thanks for saying that about mine.

I'm perhaps more battle-worn so my opinions may be less optimistic and I tend to leave less to the benefit of doubt when it comes to people in general - not a good thing in our profession is it? I am not sure a review would matter much my learned friend. I believe that if there were more integrity, that would go a longer way toward causing one mandate to not be in conflict with subsequent mandates. What the mandate essentially has become is no longer policy in line with our charter, but certain allegiances in line with certain stomachs. This crisis of morality is not confined to this party. I believe it goes much deeper and pervades our whole society, placing even the morally conscious individual awkwardly out-of-sync with his surroundings. To see that in effect one only needs to look at the real culpability we share in tragedies like Esidimeni to come round to what I am saying. Yes, it is leadership, collective, or otherwise who is fundamentally to blame, but it is community members who form part of that collective and who turn blind eyes to what is happening. Ultimately, the individual is faced with a choice: object, burn bridges and become marginalised - or stick around in the hope that something trickles down his way. This tendency is exacerbated in a climate of gross inequality. In a few words, corruption thrives where inequality is condoned.