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RE: Welcome To Parkland! (The Whole Hogg) - Extensive Cache of Videos From February 14, 2018 Event

in #news7 years ago

Notice in the closet clips, Hogg corrects himself from saying 'then we heard multiple gunshots' to 'then we heard more gunshots'.
This strikes me as significant in and of itself.

Definition of multiple
1 : consisting of, including, or involving more than one multiple births multiple choices
2 : many, manifold multiple achievements He sufferred multiple injuries in the accident.
3 : shared by many multiple ownership
4 : having numerous aspects or functions : various
life is very multiple; full of movements, facts, and news —John Galsworthy
5 : being a group of terminals (see 2terminal 3) which make a circuit available at a number of points
6 : formed by coalescence of the ripening ovaries (see ovary 2) of several flowers a multiple fruit

This implies more than one gun to me. Multiple shooters.

Definition of more
1 : greater something more than she expected
2 : additional, further more guests arrived

The correction to 'more' makes it singular - not multiple gunshots which requires multiple guns, but more gunshots from a single gun.

There are many, many inconsistencies here but this is one I spotted that I hadn't thought of when I first saw the footage.


Good catch......your comment made me take a look at it again. He states....."now we're in the school. An active shooter. Its not a drill....and... its currently...... its 2:52. I heard gun, (makes quick correction). I heard one gun shots (states plural after singular in regards to shots, thus doesn't make sense)....We thought it was a drill initially but its not".

A few seconds later he states "at around 2:30 we heard a gunshot (singular again) in my environmental science class, and we initially thought it was a drill, then we heard multiple (slight correction again), we heard more gunshots and then that was when we realized this is not a drill....this was life or death".

He then commences with the dropping of Cruz's name.

Note also that earlier in the video there is one witness talking to George Stephanopolous who states it sounded like a handgun or a shotgun.