I got this link from @crypto.piotr but have no experience with LCOs.
I find this an interesting concept in that it's like buying shares, but without the Stockbroker if the Token is sold directly in exchange for any major fiat currency.
I remember in the '70s there were still listed Corporations that would also sell shares directly, the drawback being that you had to travel there cash in hand. The listed company coin offering provides the opportunity to take this concept global.
The advantages I see is a Token initially based on the core business of the issuer and it's value possibly less dependent on speculators if managed properly. If the Token then takes off on it's own, it can be added to the core business of the company.
Will it take off in 2019? Maybe there is almost no alternative; just remember that in the current markets, value evaporates, at least from the perspective of potential buyers. If the Token can be kept out of derivatives trading it may be a confidence builder from my personal perspective, even if that would somewhat limit it's potential gains but also losses in the markets.
I look forward to seeing how this works out. Thank you for your time, greetings!
I currently live in the Netherlands and have no in-depth knowledge of how things are structured here. The folks at bitonic.nl may have some answers or might know where to get the answer to your question since they are one of the few exchanges who trade BTC direct for Euros. (they only handle BTC, but this is where I would start my search)
"Kept out of derivatives" See, ..now I'm interested :)