Adam said his bail was $88K, but the Wise County website shows the bond for his charges to be $21,500. If it is only the lesser amount, surely, he's raised enough to be able to bond out without forfeiting a fraction of the money. If donations fall short of $21,500, then donating to the Libertarian Party was an unwise use of the donations, which were earmarked for helping him with the Texas arrest and charges. The $6000 that's going to be sent to the LP is 28% of the total bail. I can't imagine why he would send that kind of money to the LP in the midst of the serious charges he's facing in Texas. This doesn't add up.
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The records website showed $88k at time of arrest. Appears its since been reduced.
But make no mistake, Adam & team are most likely going to delay and milk this opportunity for maximum donations/income.