If these are "secret locations" then how does your "AnOnImUs SoRsE" claim to know about them? Also, they cease to be "illegal" when they're issued visas or granted refugee status. It's hilarious that you hashtag this as a "military conquest" too. Tell me, if these Mexicans are an "invasion" force, what kind of artillery are they using? What about their troop formations? What's the officer-to-enlisted ratio? And do they seem to have naval support or air superiority?
See, having witnessed an ACTUAL invasion by your Russian komrades (which you personally cheered for even as the invaders raped and murdered children across a swath of territory larger than your state), I find it laughable when civilian pukes like you (with your armchair patriotism that you use to hide your draft-dodger status when we all know you'd piss yourself and run the first time you were in actual combat) try to act like you're under some kind of "threat."
I've witnessed an invasion force, and I've witnessed a wave of refugees. What's coming across the U.S. border is the latter.
And no, little man. Treason is defined as "Aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States." Flying foreigners in, isn't treason. You commit it every time you echo Vladimir Putin's lines while he openly states he plans to nuke you and the rest of America.