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RE: Twitter Account Linked to Saudi Govt Appears to Threaten Canada with 9/11-Style Attack

in #news7 years ago (edited)

I see from the lack of comments and just a bunch of empty feel-good upvotes, that no one wants to touch this with a 10 foot pole. So, I'll stir up some heat. Just to be clear, I'm not a fan of Saudi Arabia, I know how horrible their system is, I don't condone violence nor discrimination against other human being, being it woman or a man, but as long as you're willing to but their oil, and I imagine you drive a petrol vehicle, you, me and every one else is supporting or at least going along with their way of existence. I know that that might sound incomprehensible to some, but that's the way it works. Now, that we have that clear, another point is, just like their slogan says "Sticking one's nose where it doesn't belong"..., there is a reason, it's different country - different customs, different rules, different ideas on how life should be. If everyone's ideas on how we should live and how we should conduct ourselves would be the same, then there would be no need for countries. Hey, that's exactly what the PTB want to do anyways, make everyone homogenized and force everyone to same way of life. And you might say, hey what's wrong with that, can't we all just live happy "western" life, they way we live in Canada? Yes, you'll say that as long as it fits your moral standards, but what if someone tried to force their way of thinking on you, that you completely didn't agree with, then what? Let Canadian's worry about Canada and their problems, we have enough problems here, poverty, poor education system, corrupt health care system, crooked politicians; lets fix that and not stick our noses when it doesn't belong. Back in the day we used to have a good term for people like that - busybody, and nobody liked busybody. But now days it seems that everyone is sticking noses in other's business, neighbours, co-workers, politicians and now whole countries. I wonder where this behaviour comes from, could it be related to ever growing female influence on social standards. Oh my, did I just open a can of worms :)


I don't really see this as a "busybody" article. I found it very informative and does a good job of explaining the controversy. She uses this incident to justify her opinion of getting the US government to stop supporting the Saudi's.

I follow Carey as she is trying to make people aware of government shenanigans. The US government does indeed have home issues that need fixing and they should not be trying to fix the whole world.

As a person who grew up in Northern Alberta, I would like to see the Saudi's block all trade from Canada. Canada does not need Saudi Oil.

I did not say the author of this article was a busybody. Yes, the information is very good. I'm looking at the bigger picture as a busybody issue, in this case, the canadian government was the culprit. And yes, you absolutely right, we don't need any foreign oil, we should be self-sustainable in that aspect, use the resources that the country/region possesses in the best way possible, intelligently and humbly, not frivolously and without checks and balances. Once again, I found the original post very informative and important, as most of us don't have time to search through plethora of news out there, we need to rely on others to bring us the news that we miss.