And now three answers...

in #news4 years ago

You only have to ask.

And you will get answers.

Thank you to everyone who responded to my little popup post yesterday.

It was great to hear from everyone and it was great to get your feedback on the three questions I posed.

1. Is there still a space for Hive News?

@hivetrending are doing a terrific job with their weekly @hivetoday news digest posts.

I was happy to hear from @hivetrending that there could be a role for a daily news service to supplement @hivetoday.

Providing a daily Hive News will be a significant commitment so I am going to spend a few days considering the logistics.

Thank you to all those who expressed support and offered suggestions.

I am particularly interested in the offer from @khaleelkazi to give a home to Hive News on From what I have seen so far that could be a good fit.

Thanks also to @ammonite for the prompt about putting a proposal to the HiveDAO to help fund a news service. That was looked at once before back in the old place but it didn't gather enough momentum. Maybe now might be a better time to revisit that idea.

2. Would A Dollar A Day work on Hive these days?

There is a definitely a need for some charitable giving system, but the @adollaraday model may well no longer be appropriate or viable.

@steevc mentioned the @combination charity project which I will be checking out.

In the meantime I will keep a keen eye open for opportunities.

3. What should I watch next on Netflix or Amazon Prime?

Thank you for all the recommendations.

The Expanse got a good number of votes - thanks to @jongolson, @denmarkguy, @hivetrending, @onthewayout. I have now got stuck into this - 5+ series should keep me going for a while.

One random word of warning on the movie front - while flicking through some options I wandered into George Clooney's new 'The Midnight Sky' on Netflix. Don't go there, despite an interesting premise the film goes nowhere.

Thank you and good night from me and Mr Goose - he's still with me after all these years...


[ the pix are all mine ]


I am particularly interested in the offer from @khaleelkazi to give a home to Hive News on From what I have seen so far that could be a good fit.

This one I'd say Pennsif!

Nice to see you back (possibly? :)

Just made a first post on LeoFinance - very good interface.

he says while using peakd.) Glad to see you back Pennsif!I would definitely take the offer from @khaleelkazi and use the leo frontend for doing your posting! (

Yes just tried LeoFinance, works very smoothly.

I think collaborating on news gathering has to be a good way to do it. It's a shame you missed Hivefest, but you can check out the videos. Various new stuff was announced.

Do you have other geese? We seem to be back up to two eggs per day from our three chickens. We've been having to buy some. I am really not sure the chickens pay their way, but they are partly pets.

I did actually watch most of HiveFest on YouTube - partly what inspired me to get going again.

One goose and five hens now. The hens have been laying from the moment they arrived - surprised me given that they arrived the day before the snow.

Pennsif, you're back!!! Awesome. Glad to see old acquaintances from way back.

Hi there, how's Mexico these days?

Hahaha, it's Mexico. Which these days I guess would mean less restrictive.

Nice to see you back if you or @hivetrending want or need or are interested in any help with the news service i would love to help translate it to spanish, we are a big communty that is always behind on the news department so that would be awesome to have an option to be informed

Interesting idea. I would love to better serve the spanish-speaking Hive community.