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RE: The Kochs Fund an Open Border SuperPAC (AKA, I Told You Neocons Were Identical to Neolibs)

in #news6 years ago

While one can hold the Koch brothers in low esteem for this PAC they have created, you have really gone off the rails everywhere else.

First off, American "corporations" are not gigantic evil monsters enslaving people via hiring them to do a job. You sound like Bernie Sanders. Like people, you judge each organization on their own merits. If you have a specific problem with a particular organization, lets hear your claims. Otherwise, you are as useful as a Nicolas Maduro apparatchik.

Secondly, when has Ted Cruz been soft on illegal immigration? Because in the 2016 campaign he criticized the idea of creating a force within law enforcement that would go door to door hunting for any sign of illegals? And instead preferred the option of going after employers (as Trump is doing now), empowering ICE (as Trump has done), and pushing e-Verify (which the administration has not been able to do)?

Its fun to just sit there and complain, criticize and troll, while others have to work in the real world.