Great post. Thank you.
It's such a mess. I'm not sure what to believe. Is Russia in on the global government and are just playing their role in the theater (as advocated by some researchers), or is this really a genuine game of geopolitical chess? Is Trump genuinely trying to oust the elite pedo ring, or is he working for the ziocons?
At least its clear that the shadow order is funding and supporting terrorist regimes for their own financial and power interests. How much the deep state is split, if at all, remains to be seen though. Grab your popcorn; its only gonna get more entertaining ;)
I agree...nobody know for sure...but we do know "it's not what we are told"'s all a stage ...actors maybe. But the stakes are too big to make a mistake. I seriously think it's "what has to happen from their perspective" for the dollar change. Trump would have zero control. Time will indeed tell.