I always had ad block so I am ignorant to when the invasive ads started, but about 1 year about in mid 2019 I noticed the censorship had actually effect people who are great content producers and I support freedom of speech so I can understand why they would censor them just because of speculation about the content.
I 100% support youtube demonetizing who ever they want, but straight up deleting accounts is very low.
We need 2006-2010 YouTube back!
Make the Internet Great Again
lomg long long ago
I always had ad block so I am ignorant to when the invasive ads started, but about 1 year about in mid 2019 I noticed the censorship had actually effect people who are great content producers and I support freedom of speech so I can understand why they would censor them just because of speculation about the content.
I 100% support youtube demonetizing who ever they want, but straight up deleting accounts is very low.