One year before the establishment of the first bank of the United States Mayer Amschel Rothschild stated “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws”
Through a system of fractional reserve lending based non existent reserves the Rothschild’s managed to turn what was once a vault business into a racket like no other that steers and controls society to this very day.
In this video
Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante about who the real enemy is, how they’ve pulled a wool over everyone’s eyes and more importantly what you as an individual can do about it!
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Agree 100%. Although Jeff Berwick just gives me the creeps.....
Lower Vibrational Levels and pushes us towards an situations where we need rulers to rule us and in this way we ourselves chose the Slavery system. In my opinion Banks are just consuming our energy and putting the common people under the Debt Trap and Rat Race.@pressfortruth, It was effective session for sure. And in my opinion whatever we've taught in past are altered version and which keeping us in
But i think that now we've entered into the Ascension Period and people are waking up and truth is revealing itself, and now we have to channel this Awakening process and collectively we have to create an new path of light which can guide humanity towards truth and more beautiful world. Stay blessed. 🙂
Posted using Partiko Android
Oh wow, this is probably the most professional setup on the whole DTube IMO :O
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Agree 5000%, the whole idea that we give the job of managing value and what creates or destroys In our society to a select group of people is just disturbing. If there is one thing I'd love to see decentralized first, it would be the banks. They mess up everything they touch because they will be rewarded no matter what they do, and if they make us worse off then they will be better off.
Posted using Partiko Android
article and give me a way to contact you privately and I'll help fix one of your spelling mistakes in this article.Hey @pressfortruth! Read my
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