Yes Facebook has purged Press For Truth’s main Facebook page with 350k followers and many of our friend’s pages as well
but we can’t look to the government to solve the problems that have been created by the government who are in bed with these major tech conglomerates! Moving forward we must not attempt to regulate Facebook into playing fairly but we should rather boycott it all together and focus our energy on promoting alternative platforms that DO support free speech and WONT censor content no matter what side of the political spectrum the views are coming from. Platforms like steemit.com bitchute.com and minds.com for example are great blockchain based social media sites who do not engage in censorship and who support free speech and a truly open free and fare market.
In this video
Dan Dicks of Press For Truth goes live on RT International to discuss the recent purging of his facebook page while at the same time providing free market ideals as a solution to the current trend of major tech companies banning political thought and opinion.
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We need the meshnet
resteemed and thumbed
Hey, Dan I agree we don't need more government regs, what we need is people to start supporting the platforms that don't sensor and allow free speech. Yes, this is part of their problem, reaction, solution game. I'm going to be moving to steemit soon, I will keep my FB page open as a portal to find me but yes, I won't be doing much on FB next year.
Grateful for you and other who are getting helping to get information out there as an alternative to Main stream media.
While I agree with your position that boycotting these platforms is a good thing, however, by boycotting these platforms for banning people that they do not want participating is playing into their hands.
Facebook / Google / Twitter each have a motivational interest in doing what they can to influence this upcoming US midterm elections. They are where the bulk of users are hanging out. As much as it is a good reprieve to participate on forums like Steem, minds, gab, etc... This is not where the battlefield is.
We are in an information war; the battlegrounds are these massive platforms. Where they are trying to implement the censorship. By boycotting and just leaving those platforms, we are allowing them to be taken in by the owners and manipulated to their benefit without any opposing voices.
You don't win a war with retreat.
Let's accept that premise (I strongly disagree for several reasons); that leaves 10's -100's of millions of people who are kept in those informational ghettos.
Those running the ghettos want to keep the people in them within them, and to do that they need to sequester them and keep them in their little echo chambers. This is an information war. These platforms are the war zone.
We never would have won WW2 if we said "well, Germany is nazi territory, we should just let them do what they want with it." FUCK NO!!! We sent people in to take it back over whatever the costs, and MILLIONS paid with their lives.
We are lucky, we get to engage in this war without the need for the blood and bullets, we get to launch memes and counter narratives with facts.
Yes, was given a choice : here's a platform where you are free to post about yourself, and share and find and meet lost friends and family...
Once the userbase is around a billion (probably counts bots), and the platform is pervasive, they are now acting like your phone company. A utility to connect people.
Also, people have built the value of the platform...
So, it's like if you helped build the telephone grid, then, once established they decide "ok, you are ONLY allowed to talk about the weather, or we will remove you from the platform you helped build."
BEST CASE, we are looking at monopoly practices that saw microsoft split up as a company.
Oh, and as a bonus, they get government money, which makes it government sanctioned censorship.
BTW - the analogy to WW2 does have a premise : That if our parents / grandparents (not sure your age) had had the attitude of cowardice that you are expressing, we would all be giving nazi salutes.
I'm not talking about ownership. I'm talking about treating this like a war.
Like it or not, WW4 is going on and it is for the hearts and minds of the people of the planet.
So, we can act like the jews and hope for escape, we can act like the french and give in, or we can act like the russians and show these fuckers who really runs the show.
Good job being on RT Dan... and thanks for making sure to mention Steemit on there. Nice job!