Valerieann Foley was trying to take a TransLink SkyTrain to get home
when she was violently and aggressively arrested, charged with assaulting a police officer, fined $460 and in need of medical attention for physical injuries that she acquired during her arrest all because the officer demanded she wear a mask, he would not recognize her medical condition for which she has a medical exemption and for that she was arrested. Seeking help Valerieann reached out to Rebel Media who aired a piece on Ms. Foley’s case while raising funds to help with her legal costs…
Ms. Foley is dyslexic, she did not understand the implications of the contract that Rebel Media made her sign and after seeking clarification she was assured that the contract was only designed to give them the right to air the piece…she was not properly informed that she would NOT be receiving any donations that may have come in as a result of their piece.
Ms. Foley, a single mom is now facing a major legal challenge
and her fund raising efforts have to start all over again from scratch so that she will have access to 100% of the funds with the help Press For Truth and you the viewers!
If you contributed to her cause via Rebel Media thinking the money would directly to her,
please consider asking Rebel Media for a refund and resonating to the GoGetFunding Campaign where Valerieann Foley is guaranteed to receive 100% of the funds!!
We must fight these incremental moves towards all out tyranny before it’s too late!
If you would like to contribute to Valerieann’s upcoming legal challenge please contribute here today!
Thank you,
And keep fighting the good fight!!
Support Valerieann Foley here:
WATCH ON YouTube (meh) ➜
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WATCH ON YouTube (meh) ➜WATCH ON ODYSEE ➜ https://odysee.com/@PressForTruth:4/Where-Are-The-Funds:2?r=C457cfbK5297LafoLDGTsCVsJMC4Ykjx WATCH ON BITCHUTE ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/video/GsR9bMLeAxG7/ WATCH ON FLOTE ➜ https://flote.app/post/737f95bb-de43-4e7a-ad9c-be4b4a4bea21 WATCH ON MINDS ➜ https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1221953826043162624?referrer=pressfortruth
Dan, every single link you provided is a dead end, including YouTube. Once again, you've uploaded nothing more than a thumbnail and a request for money. Second time in a row!