Mega Freedom Rally In Kelowna Live with Press For Truth!
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It's too bad I didn't hear about this, would have been great to attend! I've been stuck here in the Okanagan for 2 years now, after many years in Vancouver doing activism. I'd love to get my signs out and do some marching again, that would have been great. But I'm not on FB anymore so I don't see announcements for events like this, and I don't know anybody locally who would tell me. So I usually only hear about them afterward. I wonder if there will be another?
It not be last one, try hold eyes open and be ready :)
My eyes have been open all along, but that doesn't help. It seems I must do more than have open eyes :)
Good for you--yes, get out of the computer chair and get boots on the ground--protest. I went to 2 rally/protests in Vancouver BC this weekend--both amazing.
Oh you finally got off your fat ass for a moment, right on! :D
Ah the voice of ignorance speaks!
A. My ass is not fat, perhaps you were speaking of your own.
B. I rally/march protest every week since this psyOp began.
Looks like we have a troll in the conversation, or a moron, or perhaps a troll-on.
LOL Oh, the irony! LOL