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Great rally and march yesterday in Vancouver, BC--when we crossed the Cambie street bridge I looked back and saw a sea of people marching! Way to go Vancouver!!!
Please consider posting some actual content here. By doing that you stand a better chance of earning rewards. Don't focus on the downvotes. Focus on the upvotes you lost due to your behavior.
There is actual content! I've provided multiple links to the video...I've tried uploading here but have issues, I'm not able to upload to my DTube, and am not sure how to get things going here...Im a one man show, its just me, I don't have time to figure all this out but am trying! It's quite discouraging to see some whales apparently downvoting my content when this is what I do for a living and have supported this platform since the beginning.
Whatever. Spam your shit template here all you want and act like you're useless. Everyone else including the first timer knows to put their actual content on the site. And you're sitting here acting like you don't know wtf is happening. Calling a spam template, "content", all while admitting the actual content is in four other fucking places. Four places! But you won't post it here. All we get is the video description and you think that's quality content worth money. And it's everyone's fault but your own. Okay there buddy. I can't deal with people like you.