TERMINATED! Man Who Works WITH AUTISTIC PEOPLE Questions Mandatory Mask Policy, GETS FIRED!!!

in #news4 years ago

In the post COVID-19(84) nightmare daring to question the mandatory mask mandate is enough to get you fired,

even if your reasons make perfect professional sense…For example people with autism typically have trouble socially when it comes to reading body language or facial expressions and if a working helper is forced to wear a mask this eliminates the human interaction that is crucial when dealing with people with autism!

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with William who started the YouTube channel “Got Dialog” after being terminated from his job where he cares for people with autism after questioning their new mandatory mask policy for all staff. William did the right thing and we’re going to need more pioneers like him moving forward who aren’t afraid to ask the real questions and to challenge the bogus status quo.

WATCH ON BITCHUTE ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/video/yAfacLaXfr43/ WATCH ON FLOTE ➜ https://flote.app/post/265ce52a-c4ee-4aee-8af4-ca948222c535 WATCH ON LBRY ➜ https://open.lbry.com/@PressForTruth:4/Man-Who-Works-WITH-AUTISTIC-PEOPLE-GETS-FIRED!!!:e?r=FZCNaimYDzDF15JgsQL6iBUqaY1CoH4X WATCH ON MINDS ➜ https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1166059547245600768?referrer=pressfortruth

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Dan, the Bitchute link is broken.

Actually it was processing for over 14 hours :/ Its live now though ;)

Wow, 14 hours, not bad. I think I had 36 hours once.
This Mask Hysteria is out of control.