The Strathroy Bomber - Another "Foiled Terror Plot"?

in #news9 years ago (edited)

Canadians are being setup and conditioned for a major attack!

On Wednesday, August 10, it was rumoured that National Defence personnel were warning about a terrorist threat.

The RCMP said it was investigating “credible information” about a potential terrorist threat. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth breaks down the latest so called "foiled terror plot".


Speaking as a Canadian who is very familiar with the political climate here in Canada, all I can say is that I am less worried about a terror attack in Canada and more about the erosion of my freedoms by the governing elite here. It seems like we are all being herded ever so quickly into this jello mould cookie cutter perfect society where we all think the same way and have the same values and never question authority lest we be ridiculed or labelled outcasts in society.

Thank you for your input fellow Canadian :) Check this one out and let me know what you think

It's a shame how many free thinking realist there are in Canada... Just ask any Leaf fan what they thought of the hockey game and I promise you 99% of the time they will just repeat what Don Cherry said like they have no opinion of their own!

I meant to say in the Toronto area anyway.. because I can't speak for all of Canada! Cheers

Awesome reporting Dan, thanks for your more in depth look than what I'm getting from the msm. You RocK!

I'm subbed to your YouTube channel and at first I thought someone posted your content. Glad you're here.

did the rcmp find another meth head to entrap?

Another State killing of a civilian and of course we will only hear the one side of things... truly disturbing how easily they can do this! I saw this story on TV yesterday while watching the Olympics and they never mentioned any bomb going off or any taxi cab... They just praised the State!

Glad to see you here Dan! keep up the great work.