in #news5 years ago

When society has good intentions that challenge the status quo, the powers that ought not to be know how to steer those intentions into areas that will benefit them.

Case in point, the Chaz/Chop occupation of Seattle started out with good anti government sentiments but the protesting occupiers quickly became the very governing authorities among each other that they claim to be against. Border walls, check points, the removal of opposing views, censorship and violence have become the norm as the occupiers focus on themselves rather than the real enemy.

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth proves that these occupiers are becoming everything they claim to be against while attempting to shift the focus back onto who the real enemy is!…private international Banksters who loan to countries at interest by printing money out of thin air.

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Jordan Peterson often points out that the devil is in the details. Most people imagine that they can do a better job at running society than those in charge. In reality, nobody can do a good job. As we can see with CHAZ, or even the macro CHAZ, California, even the elites and "well-educated" are incapable of properly governing. There's always a new law or new ordinance that is supposed to fix things. Then some numbskull shows up to demonstrate the inadequacy of the rules. They thought it would be so simple.

I am making a good salary from home $1200-$2500/week, which is amazing, under a year back I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now it's my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone, Here is what I do….

Case in point, the Chaz/Chop occupation of Seattle started out with good anti government sentiments

LOLZ this has been an armed anarcho communist larpfest supported by the powers that should not be from the beginning. Anarchism will never work and has never worked on a societal level ever, it always descends to madness and or is taken over by a society that is more productive and more powerful due to the power vacuum created.

Give up, this Chaz thing has shown how the sovereign citizen crap / anarcho nonsense is just that nonsense.