Liberally Losing It - Idiot Trade, Idle Threats, Pantsuit Rationalizing, Killing Opposition

in #news6 years ago

Brain Of A Liberal

The planet turns, and california burns while liberal progressives cluster like doomed cicadas spawning for their yearly cycle. Put on a beekeeper uniform and wander into the fields of screeching proggie insects, won't you?

(Names changed to protect the ignorant.)

GilipollasGrande - So what, we're going to cut trade ties with the EU? They aren't going to give a shit about these sanctions.

Says the guy that has no clue how negotiation and pressure works in business. Stay in your cubicle, snowflake.

LividLimpwrist - Trump is demanding world peace by sanctions and threatening war?

Actual wars started - ZERO. Wars that liberals wish they could start - INFINITE.

PledgedPotato - the grand collection of people that just decided to dislike Hillary Clinton for "reasons" are pretty annoying

Who knew that she would lose so badly? Well, she did keep ranting about how half the country were "deplorables" and was sucking up to Investment Banking firms pretty hard. Don't forget about the uranium deal with the Russians. You know, the one that is actually documented and backed up with real evidence.

UsefulIdiot - it seems like most of that comes down to sexism and the decades-long campaign to trash her image

Right, because in a proggies mind it has to be that she was a woman. Never mind the women who voted against her by electing the current president.

PledgedPotato - because opponents of immigration ultimately think it is all illegal unless you're white

No, its illegal because its against the LAW to waltz into a country without going through the proper procedures. I can't just uproot and decide to live somewhere on a whim, why should they be afforded a luxury the rest of us don't have?

TorontoPoof - "poor people coming here to mooch on our systems and taxdolallsrsrsrs"
TorontoPoof - I want to force all these people to drink bleach
TorontoPoof - I want to put them in the guillotine immediately so that the rest of their lives is measured in minutes

This is a guy that twiddles pixels and code for a living, who hasn't looked out the window in YEARS. Always with the violence, these repressed cubicle dwelling progressives. Its like the grubs you find when you turn over a rotting log in the forest.

UsefulIdiot - literally the only way to fix this is to win in November
UsefulIdiot - otherwise we get another two years of this shit and worse

You're really not going to like what is going to happen in 2020. I guarantee it. The amount of salty tears that will be shed will rival the Dead Sea.

On that note, I can hardly wait!

Until next time...

(If you're confused what this is all about, read this introduction - Link )