Could Khizr Khan Be the Reason Donald Trump Loses?

in #news8 years ago

Khizr Khan. When he came on to give his speech at the Democratic National Convention, I didn't expect much. I knew a little about his backstory, but I had seen so many "character witnesses" come on to give short speeches at conventions, I didn't think the impact would be there.

Boy was I wrong ...

There is something to be said for a man who would have been denied entrance into this country simply because of his religion coming on stage and talking so powerfully about the sacrifice that his family--his son--has had to make for the love of their country.

And then, looking straight in the camera, he said directly to Donald Trump: "You have sacrificed nothing and no one."

He went on to question whether Donald Trump even understood the meaning of the United States Constitution, pulling a small copy from his pocket and saying, "“Let me ask you: Have you even read the United States Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy."

In one speech, with his wife by his side and his son in his heart, Mr. Khan could have destroyed Donald Trump's chances of winning the Presidency. And I'll explain why ...

Just Right of Center

If there is one thing that the people love more than anything, it's a hero. And Khan's son, Capt. Humayun Khan who died in the United States Army fighting in Iraq, is the exact hero that people can get behind. He protected his unit and ensured that they did not die, sacrificing his life for it. Because of that, he posthumously got a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star.

And if the man of a soldier who died fighting for his country can come out and support Hillary Clinton, that can have a lasting impact on one particular group of people: 

Right of center Republicans. 

Think about that for a second ... If we look at the Republican Party of today, it has been hijacked by social conservatives who have effectively pushed traditional, pro-business, pro-defense spending conservatives to the side. In its place, you see people arguing about abortion, gay marriage, and what bathroom people can use. 

These Republicans couldn't care less about those issues. What they care about is whether the military is strong and if their businesses can grow. 

Now these just right of center Republicans are hearing from a man whose son died in that very same military, stumping for Hillary Clinton. Suddenly, these just right of center Republicans are left asking themselves if they want to support a man who would have made this hero irrelevant. 

It's Working

The point of these speeches is to excite people and get them interested in voting for that particular candidate. As POLITICO reported, "In the minute after he finished at 9:18 p.m., observers noted a spike in people searching Google for "register to vote."" 

Think about that for a second ...

People spent 7 minutes watching him give a speech about the sacrifice that he and has family have had to make, shaming Donald Trump for never having to sacrifice and for being a racist demagogue, and people heard him. They heard him loud and clear. 

And then they learned how to get involved. Now we don't know what party these people were registering for, but it'd be a serious stretch that people were registering to vote because they hated him. Remember, those right of center Republicans pride military sacrifice. 

I believe that, should Hillary Clinton win the election, we'll look back and see that it was this single, seven minute speech that changed everything. Donald Trump would have prevented Captain Khan from entering the United States. Because he didn't have that power at the time, he sacrificed his life to save 13. 

This election just got a whole lot more interesting ...


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His speech was inspiring. His use of the constitution and his quoting the articles where magnificent. Even to me as a European, with a strong interest in American history, I felt moved.

I agree that Trump probably never read the constitution, and that Khzir Khan was spot on with his interpretation of it.

That's so true. It's important to remember that we cannot cave to fear when the going gets tough and that we must stay true to our book of laws. If we abandon that book, then a demagogue like Donald Trump can truly become the next president.

He could be. Not for logical or reason based reasons as there were none there that could not also be applied to Hillary. She has actually been responsible for American deaths due to her actions. Trump may also have such things at his feet, but that is a MIGHT because he hasn't been in a position to do such. Clinton has... and fumbled it big time. Not to mention she is perhaps the most corrupt politician I can find in U.S. history.

I am not a Trump supporter. If he is a Demon, Hillary is the Devil. Who commands the demons?

Lesser of two evils is still evil, people need to stop voting for evil. They need to stop endorsing people they acknowledged as being a criminal (looking at Bernie Sanders).

You can choose NOT to vote, or you can realize you have other choices besides the two circus acts getting the media attention and blinding you to the fact there are other choices. Check out Gary Johnson, or Jill Stein. They are both FAR more sane than the choices the media is force feeding you.

Donald Trump: "You have sacrificed nothing and no one."

What I am getting at is you could just as easily replace Donald Trump with Hillary Clinton in that statement. This entire article is an appeal to emotion.

(I still up voted it though)

Clinton did sacrifice though... she sacrificed other people who had no tie to her emotionally.