Some background for #pizzagate researchers who want to know where this rat hole leads

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Ritual abuse of children pre-dates Christianity, to the ancient Babylonian and Canaanite practice of child sacrifice to Moloch/Molech, which is still referenced in the occultic Bohemian Grove "Cremation of Care" ritual. If you're not familiar with Bohemian Grove, it's a private men's club in the redwood forest north of San Francisco where the who's-who of the global elite go to shmooze once per year.

They do a ceremony there called the "cremation of care" in which they all gather in front of a big statue of an owl that represents Moloch, and burn an effigy of a child. Child sacrifice to Moloch is referced in the Old Testament of the Bible, in Leviticus. You can read what God commands you to do to the man who "lets his seed pass through the fire unto Moloch." Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove is a good video to watch. Alex Jones snuck in and shot video of their ritual years ago and made that documentary about it.

Now that we've established that the elite engage in a "pretend" child sacrifice ritual every year...

Also understand that "corpse medicine" has been a traditional practice among royalty through the ages. Look into Vlad the Impaler's sadistic behavior. Even the Wikipedia page describes some of it although Wikipedia of course tends to downplay any negative portrayal of elites

Definitely watch "Conspiracy of Silence" on Youtube. This was supposed to be a Discovery Channel documentary but apparently struck a nerve with some powerful people, and was never aired.

MK Ultra- The US Government's secret mind control program using sexual torture, drugs, and electo-shock therapy among other tecniques to brainwash children and create mind controlled zombies, assassins, and sex slaves. You may want to read Cathy O'Brien's book "Trance Formation of America" Her story lacks corroboration but fits with other accounts of MK Ultra. There is a lot of material available about the CIA program, and it's declassified.

Jeffery Epstein's pedo island, recently visited by Bill Clinton

BBC cover up of Jimmy Saville's child abuse

FBI agent Ted Gunderson's investigations into Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)

DynCorp's child trafficking

All this stuff is well documented. Whether it's connected to recent revelations about Comet Ping Pong, we don't know yet. But we do know the elite have been deeply involved in pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Abuse. They're Satanists. Ritual abuse is what they do. It's their religion.

This rat hole goes deeper and deeper... right to hell. I'm just posting this as a quick background reference for people who are new to the idea that the elite are abusers of children, and want some leads. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's not "fake news." It goes back literally thousands of years.

Keep digging and you may not like what you find. It's tough to swallow but we need to face this evil and put it back in its box, for the sake of these innocent children. It's been ignored by the masses for too long, and allowed to grow to epidemic proportions.

Time to wake up