Well the name of the article is quite interesting. Pretty hard not to want to read with a title like that. I had no idea what the name would be nor what slant would be put on the article.
I am used to being mis understood and even when people "like me" very few are anywhere close to really comprehending who I am and the way that I live.
I always agree to do interviews even if its by someone who is not in line with my views and would likely not understand. Its important to discuss and explore life and even have disagreements. It is obvious that the history, mind set, beliefs and dreams of this writer are far different than mine yet there is also commonality of which I always try and find as I believe we are all a lot more similar than dissimilar.
I live a very honest life and do not try to hide or project presence for an image I want the public to see. I made the choice a while back to embrace being a "public figure" because I felt it was very important for the world to see an alternative example to health, happiness, success in a life style of sustainability and freedom.
Because I love this Steemit community I am sharing this article here on the blockchain. I would love some feedback on what people thought of the article who read it. I have a lot of commentary I would like to share in regards to the article and may do that after people read this if there is any interest.
This article is puzzling to me.
I wonder why she chose to put ecovillage in quotation marks...she's uncomfortable with that term and doesn't want the readers to think she called the GOE an ecovillage herself, but she offers no reason why it doesn't fit the definition of an ecovillage.
Actually lots of her word choices surprise me - "Of course a commune that condemns chemicals and emphasizes sustainability wouldn’t have bug repellant with Deet. "
Condemned is way harsh, and completely misses the point of the infinite options you offer @gardenofeden. Plus, even though no one who lives there uses it, I'm pretty sure we DO have bug repellant with Deet...or why didn't she try any of the natural repellants we make?? The bugs were a really big deal to her, and it was such a superficial element of the day but she couldn't look past it.
She's also afraid of the strawberries in the water and yoga, which makes me LOL. She must be stressed out all. the. time. if berries, water & yoga scare her!
And obviously she is, "I envision being drugged and forced to do some ceremonial dance or — worse — yoga." She felt threatened without any impetus, which again makes me LOL or else I would cry... so sad she can't see the real freedom that exists at the GOE. CHOICE is the basis of life there - never force. It's so different and so profound that she couldn't even grasp it...
Then she goes on to say "Jobs are assigned that are essential to keeping the place up and running..." which again misses the hugely profound reality of CHOICE that everything is based on. It's not assigned - the GOE operates by agreement.
She calls the GOE a "mix of commercialism and counterculture" ...Also interesting that she clearly scoped the website, but overlooked the multiple places where it's blatantly stated we are NOT a commercial enterprise & don't sell anything. I again feel sad that she didn't understand the huge & deep paradigm shift offered by our ethical merchantry reality.
That didn't show up on her radar, but she shares how she was crushing on Daniel 😂
I would love for you to share on the blockchain the really profound thanks he sent you after just a few weeks at the GOE, Quinn.
People are where they are and all and can only understand what they are capable of understanding. Guess I'll just use it as an example for examining my own biases and pre-determined ideas to see how I can be a better person!
Thanks for your patience in dealing with me, because I know I'm as dense as this author sometimes. But you're still supportive even when I just don't get it - thank you!!!
Thanks for this comment with so much perspective. In a way its more valuable than the commentary I considered sharing in regards to this article as its not coming from me.
I wouldn't say what you said the way you did per say but I feel everything you mention is a valid and insightful input.
Yes so interesting to analyze! Different things stand out for different readers, and I have no doubt that your commentary would illuminate your perspective which as we know is different than mine. My insight shows as much about where I am as her writing shows where she is!
I think certain things are pretty obvious - almost all comments on your post here agree that there is a "cultish" slant...which is nothing new, it's pretty common for people to judge life at the GOE. It's really "far out there" for some people, and they don't know how to relate or define it, especially if it makes them a little uncomfortable!
I enjoyed the article but I know that there are many sides to a story and unique people like you are not easy to comprehend or portray accurately after a few hours.
Yes indeed,
There are many sides to a story, in fact everyone has one.....Some may be more accurate than others but there really is no such thing as a "true story"
I just like to get people to question, ponder, think, discuss, and more importantly have new and unique experiences.
I know that not everyone is going to agree with me or like me. I am fine with that. I wish everyone the best for their own life.
Thanks for checking it out and commenting Dawg!
Much love~*~
I'm glad you're sharing this article here on Steemit, @quinneaker. Of course, it isn't 100% accurate, nor does it truly portray the magic that IS when living with others in a loving, honorable community. The author did capture a good glimpse, though visible only through her own limitations--hahaha--as do we all!
It was interesting sitting by the fire with her that evening. As she said, she was originally going to spend the night. But after feeling all the love of family, how beautiful the relationships are here, especially with the children, she couldn't stand to be away from her baby even one more hour. I could tell she was really touched by the feeling of support and true connection we have with each other at the @gardenofeden.
This was a very interesting interview, I'm glad you did it.
Yes it was an interesting article, she left out most of the profound stuff unfortunately. However she did at least mention that she had one of the best meals of her life. One of our Uber Dank Specialties here in The Garden of Eden is sharing mouthgasmic experiences haha
Yeah, at least she got a mouthgasmic treat and some of the best water ever as well. Most reporters have to leave out the good stuff--it's too potent to touch and often way out of their realm of understanding. But at least she didn't blast us with a sheeple twist. Love's alchemy does wonders!
Bless it be~*~
Funny how the meal is one of the things that stood out to her, yet we eat so incredibly on a daily basis that I don't even remember what dankness we enjoyed during her visit...
hahahaha yea it was really not special at al for us, just goes to show the quality we live by on a daily basis!
Yeah, at least she got a mouthgasmic treat and some of the best water ever as well. Most reporters have to leave out the good stuff--it's too potent to touch and often way out of their realm of understanding. But at least she didn't blast us with a sheeple twist. Blessed again!
haha there is always a bright side ;-)>
I thought this article was written from as truthful perspective as the writer was capable of. This paragraph sums it up:
My visit to this friendly hippie community lasted about six hours. I was going to spend the night, but couldn’t wait to get back to my daughter at home. The commune reminded me of family, of my divorce, my solitude and my quest to change that. But for me, this was not my Garden of Eden to be. It didn’t feel real. All these barefoot, partially nude, tan and muscular beings meandering through weeds, piles of wood and compost, content with the heat and saved by some higher level of consciousness found through Eaker? I really wanted to believe.
This was not her reality as she very clearly stated. She couldn't even believe it to be true after seeing it with her own eyes because her dysfunctions of life keep her views in alignment with what keeps her reality alive. It is funny because you could feel the inner conflict as she wrote; her innate knowledge trying to overrule her current views of the world as she knows it. I think so many people struggle with this. If nothing else I hope is spawns interest for more people to come see for themselves, since there really are no words for this shit lol ;-)
hahaha yea ;-)>
I enjoyed showing her around and our in depth discussions. We seemed to get along very well. I will ask her to come by again sometime in the spring when its not hot and hopefully stay for a day or two. I think there is potential there for her to see beyond the comforts she needs and can't live without.
The longer I'm here the more I realize just how many people are not living who they actually are but rather just trying to fit into what society wants the standards to be. I think she is one of those people, but everyone has the potential to become who they should be! Another invite would be wonderful, and have her bring her daughter so the kids can play together :-)
She was indeed torn--between a world which she lives and a world which she dare not to dream of. That's why it's so hard to see. She would definitely have to give up what she thinks she knows and seriously question herself were she to acknowledge what was right before her very eyes. Seeing and acknowledging such an existence can shake someone's whole reality. At least there were things she was willing to admit and could feel there was something more to grasp. It would be interesting to have her back with her child. The children always know!!!
Yes, she is just to stuck in the comforts of her life of which is all she has ever known and change is not likely at all. Though anything is possible.
To call @OriginalWorks, simply reply to any post with @originalworks or !originalworks in your message!
Go Go GO!!!
I am go go GOING!
To SteemFinity and Beyond!
"...very few are anywhere close to really comprehending who I am and the way that I live. " I think that's an accurate statement for sure.
I respect your tenacity and your zeal. May you and your endeavors have a very prosperous 2018 and of course,....
I can relate to being misunderstood but that is what Steemit is for. The truth is out there and we are not alone and we can relate to each other and stuff.
I appreciate your comment and am grateful for your blessings and well wishes.
Great to see you stopping by, hope to see you around soon.
I am sure you and your family had a great time this holiday season with lots of feasting and love.
Wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous year!
Full Steem Ahead!
Interesting article, I feel like I have a better idea what the Garden of Eden is like now. Although it is a bit slanted to make it out to be somewhat cultish.
I don't know if I could live in a community like this but I think we should all be building better community around ourselves no matter where we are.
Gratefully we have the opportunity to do it here on Steemit. Loving support is a truly powerful reality.
The @gardenofeden really is another world unto itself. I do think she made us sound a bit cultish. I could feel her fear of her cracking reality. It's hard for almost everyone to believe that this is really happening. Glad you tuned into this post @canadianrenegade.
Yeah, I'm glad I found this one. Interesting how people are afraid when nothing is wrong but it is just different. We all have a lot of conditioning we need to get over except maybe you guys 😉
It's amazing how conditioned people have become. So much so, we don't even recognize that it has happened. I imagine there will always be layers to remove, as we have all grown up in this world. It is indeed a powerful journey to embrace the possibilities, and live everyday challenging ourselves to really live the dream. Thanks for your reply, @canadianrenegarde.
Evolution never ends~
Becoming conscious enough to CONSCIOUSLY EVOLVE is where a whole New Paradigm begins!
Yes, I make a point to say all the time my goal is not to get people to live like me. It is for people to question the current ways of the world and realize that anything is possible.
We can do whatever we want.....This is a mindset no one for the most part is living from. What would the world be like if we were all free and empowered living our ideals, living the dream?
Whatever you all want to do with your life, as long as you are considering life as a whole and living in freedom and responsibility I am sure it will be much better. Thats all I am doing.
Thank you, and bless you and yours also in the new year!
We love you Quinn, keep posting on Steem. Stress2Peace
Thanks for the support!
I will regardless of what the media thinks as me, my family, community and thousands of others are very gratefully and extraordinarily benefited by it.
Thats valuable in it self for the people involved~*~
So the garden of Eden exists after all ;)
Hahahaha yes the possibility of "paradise" or at least a far more ideal life does exist =)>
The Kool-Aid is working and the mission is Beautiful
Thank you for being You :)
Thanks for the comment and support!
So very welcome !!
Happy new year !!!
May it be the best year ever!
I thought it was a very good article, although I could have done without the "cultish" comments. The writer seems to have gained a faint glimmer of what your community is about during her short visit, and has an obvious desire to learn more. She also seems to wrestle with a fear of letting go of her material world in order to reach for something that seems more desirable and yet unattainable - a fear that far too many of us have and which tends to rule our lives, I'm afraid. I'm always fascinated to learn more about you and your community, and look forward to more to come - wishing you and yours all the best in 2018.
Yes, what is most prevalent to me in this article is the inner conflict. She obviously loves and admires something or an aspect or how she feels yet she is wrestling with the matrix conditioning and all she has ever known or is used to.
Its understandable and I only wish her the best regardless of what she chooses.
Thanks for the comment.
Thats great i can't wait to read it.
Read on!
are you famous?
He looks famous, at least, like a lighter Bob Marley.
The Legend~*~
bob ! :)
Depends on what famous mean, if you google me you would have weeks worth of photos, videos, articles, radio shoes, interviews etc.
I was on MTV one time, been in quite a few magazines but really compared to like stars or politicians I am not very famous at all.
Bravo !
I feel symphaty to you mate !
Wish you good luck in future !
Appreciate the support.
Hello how are you @quinneajker I write to you from Venezuela, my native country, it is a good post, but I like it, it has more content in your article in all the ways it is ok, I will follow you to support you and I hope you do the same, remember that this community Steemit is to help you, at this time I can not vote but I am still waiting to comment on your publications
Thanks for the comment. Glad you like my content.
Being transparent is a key to success and happiness.
I agree!
You are right! He looks like the lighter version of bob marley lol. Please guys can you check out this photos of baby. She just turned a month old. Thank you all https://steemit.com/photo/@mart101/my-love-and-baby-beautiful-photos-5ab7686355b63
This place got to me friend,
Continue your good work, we have few years to live this way, help as much as you can.
For your magazine, I’ve copied the link for the online version, I’ll look into it.
I am a friend @maxdevalue.
Glad you liked it, thanks for the comment.
There is something we all can do and I am doing my best to build a better world for life on earth.
The article was beautiful ! I know of a place similar you may have heard of, the hostel in the forest in Brunswick GA, i stayed three days there with my boyfriend, taught a yoga class to stay an extra day and he helped out in the garden. They have a lake where clothing is optional and in the center of the lake is a little netted dock that you can sit in and the fish pick at you. It was such a beautiful experience and i look forward to it again. Perhaps one day i can make it to the garden of Eden. I really love your expansion in consciousness as i am on a similar path of enlightenment. I can see the stars shining in your spirit. Thank you for your work ! I look forward to following your journey :) many blessings !
I am not aware of the place you speak though it is not surprising as the world is a HUGE place. hahaha
Great to know that you are investing in conscious existence with the goal of enlightenment, I cannot think of anything more important.
Thanks for commenting.
Amazing post!
Glad you like it, what do you think is so amazing about it?