I doubt McCain was a Republican, although not sure where his affiliations were. His staff petitioned the IRS to flag and deny conservative organizations (tea-party etc.) their legal right for donor deductions. How could so many people forget the Keating 5? Paaah. I'm waiting for the release of unredacted FISA document used to snoop. May God rest his troubled soul.
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I will never forget this: I was an Arizona resident in the early 2000s. In GWBs first term, GWB was trying to get congress to vote for tax cuts (which I use to this day!). I wrote to my US Senator MCCain to please vote in favor of the Bush tax cuts. I got back from his office a bunch of xeroxed clippings from the left wing Brookings Institute opposing tax cuts. From a “Republican” Senator! McCain was nicknamed by opposition “Chameleon” for good reason. He only considered polls for his positions.