9/11/2018: Expose the Treason, Challenge & End Domestic US Fusion Center & Military Terrorism Masquerading as Surveillance

in #news6 years ago

Twin Towers, 9/11/2001/Image

For those of us who have found ourselves wrongfully thrust under surveillance by too-well-budgeted and clearly corrupt fusion centers in the wake of 9/11, and wrongfully rolled into non-consensual neuro-experimentation programs being run by a treasonous US Military and Intelligence Community, the betrayals of 9/11 — spanning two towers full of innocent Americans at work, New York firefighters who succumbed to cancer, millions of innocent civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine whose lives, homes, and families were destroyed in horrific and needless Deception-Begun wars, as well as a massive rollout of intense surveillance and stealth-weapon assault with anti-personnel Electronic Weapons (in Asymmetric Warfare, Stealth Warfare, Civilian-Military Operations) on innocent civilians in America and worldwide — haven’t stopped.

Surveillance Abuse Today is a Lot More Than Email/Cellphone Surveillance & Comprises Bio-Hacking, Neuro-Hacking, and Radiation Assault

For five years now, since 2013, when a concerned letter to Senators Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren, State Representative Tackey Chan, the Boston Globe, and the Patriot Ledger about chem trails & tree damage, and a chance conversation questioning the need for paid daycare of our second-grade children at a Parent-Teacher conference with a particularly egoistic and apparently underworld-Mafia connected Treasurer of the School Board at a private Montessori school in Quincy, Massachusetts (City of Presidents, also City of Lies and since 2013 the Site of C/Overt Field Weapon Testing of Directed-Energy Weapons by General Dynamics, a Defense contractor with a Directed-Energy Bio-Behavioral Research 49-million dollar contract with the US Air Force), I have been covering the stories of those like me who have been extra-judicially targeted, lawlessly “detained,” stripped of Due Process and all Constitutional Rights, Human Rights, Civil Rights, and subjected to:

  1. 24/7 Harassive COINTELPRO stalking, tracking, & Psy Ops — disguised in communities as Community Policing, with your own neighbors turned virulently against you;

  2. 24/7 Electronic Assault — assaultive and carcinogenic anti-personnel EMF weapons-testing, Remote Neural Monitoring, Neuro-Experimentation and Neuro-Surveillance with military tracking radar, covert RFID implants, microwave, milliwave, sonic, scalar, remote electrical, bio and nano weapons, drone, plane, helicopter, and satellite tracking and stalking — disguised in communities as Electronic Surveillance, necessitating constant shielding and eliciting extreme health damage;

  3. Community Blacklisting & Character Assassination — as mentally ill, pedophiles, prostitutes, child molesters, pornographers, terrorists, suspected terrorists, potential terrorists, putative terrorists, violent extremists, troublemakers, all to discredit our witness and testimonial to these incredibly egregious USAF/DOD/CIA/NSA/DHS/FBI assaults.

(These are not idle accusations; I recommend that uninformed readers kindly explore the articles, interviews, and videos at my website, The Everyday Concerned Citizen, and my Youtube/Vimeo/Bitchute channels Ramola D Reports; in particular, pay special attention to my interviews with highly significant whistleblowers from the CIA, FBI, and NSA, engineers, NASA scientists, and Emeritus Professors; finally, please peruse all letters from whistleblowers and activists supporting my journalism shortly after a Quincy Middle School principal questioned my reportage specifically on DHS/FBI/USAF abuses, including my unanswered Letter to the Quincy School Board, which provides acutely relevant information on General Dynamics, the FAA, and the City of Quincy — a subject still under investigation for further reportage.)

Mainstream Media — CIA-Driven — Has Been Schooled to Dismiss Reporting Victims as Paranoid and Delusional

During this time period, I have witnessed the cavorting and convolutions of numerous bought-and-sold reporters in print and in video as they bent over backwards to accede to the demands of their CIA/And Other Clandestine-Ops-Agencies masters to conceal these crimes of Surveillance Abuse by actively dismissing as “delusional and paranoid” the reports, testimonials, and cries for help from increasing numbers of highly educated and accomplished people of integrity, conscience, and community-mindedness suddenly targeted for apparent assaultive elimination with Stealth Radiation Weapons. I mean reporters from The New York Times, The Washington Post, Vice, Wired, The Daily Beast and others — classic “mainstream media” mavens run by the CIA, whose paychecks have apparently prevented them from pursuing the truth. And in fact, given them oodles of leisure time in which to write excoriating pieces of vitriol mocking and maligning reporting victims of Surveillance crimes and Military Experimentation abuse, such as in Rational Wiki and Wikipedia, helping the CIA/DOD equate “Targeted Individual” with “Delusional” and that other CIA-Trickster-Term intended to stop all further critical inquiry: Conspiracy Theorist.

This situation — of unlawful targeting, harassment, and clandestine Military/Intelligence experimentation — is one that writers like Paul Baird of Surveillance Issues have reported have been operative for decades, from well before 9/11, in the ’80s and ’90s, but there is no doubt that the years since 9/11 have seen an increase in the systematic targeting and extreme-abuse that people have been reporting. Note also that journalists and writers like CIA whistleblower Barbara Hartwell, Alex Constantine, Walter Bowart, John Marks and others have long reported clandestine CIA experimentation, and MK ULTRA experiments that went underground. (And have currently resurfaced.)

Today scientist whistleblowers and agents who have worked for the US DOD, CIA, US Navy, UK Navy, MI5, and Mossad like Robert Duncan, Richard Alan Miller, Barrie Trower, Carl Clark, Tim Rifat, and David Voigts are speaking out; hundreds of activists worldwide are bearing witness to these targeting crimes; human rights organizations like Targeted Justice, ICAACT, and ICATOR are addressing and publicizing these abuses.

Historic figures like Dr. Rauni Kilde, once Chief Medical Officer of Finland and Gloria Naylor, celebrated author of several novels and screenplays including The Women of Brewster Place have borne witness to these crimes. Critically important writers like Paul Baird, Renee Pittman Mitchell, Dr. Nick Begich, Mark Rich, Dr. John Hall, Cheryl Welsh, Mary Gregory, Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Rosanne Schneider, and many others have written books, articles, and maintain websites filled with compendious historic, scientific, whistleblowing, and testimonial information revealing these crimes.

A recent honoring of reporting victims with rallies across the world was marked by journalist Thomas McFarlan in a video and article reporting “Targeted Individual Day”: Targeted-Individuals Protest Worldwide — From Chicago to Bangkok, to Warsaw to London, and Far Beyond

Rallies in the USA

NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart has published several flyers, letters, articles, in addition to giving interviews revealing the crimes of Surveillance Abuse, many of which can be found on my website, including this seminal disclosure: NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States

Signing of the Declaration of Independence/Painting by Trumbull/Wikimedia

Everyone in Congress has been apprised of these crimes, over and over. Civil Liberties and human rights group like ACLU and Amnesty International ditto; they have turned away reporting victims for years. President Trump was informed in a Memo shortly after he became President: Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance

President Trump Taking the Oath To Protect America and Americans/Inauguration January 2017

Despite MSM Dismissal, We Need to Move On To The Next Step: Dismantle Fusion Centers, Stop All Military/Air Force/CIA/NSA/NIH/US Gov DEW Testing, DEBR, and Neuro-Experimentation: People Are Being TORTURED

Despite the covers, despite the lies, despite the cover-up of FBI KST (Known and Suspected Terrorist) lists, War on Terror lies, Patriot Act/Freedom Act/NDAA/FISA/NSL/Executive Orders, Countering Violent Extremism covers, despite the sanctimonious “National Security” covers under which non-lethal-weapons testing and neuro-weapon testing, AI testing, nano-weapons testing and operations are being run, the most essential fact here is: people are widely reporting being tortured. These are barbaric and inhumane weapons, they are wreaking extreme abuse on people’s bodies and brains, as many have testified.

Presidents who signed off on these Military/Intel programs betraying Americans?/Image from Minnesota Public Radio

The worst part is, because doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists have been manipulated — either through collusiveness at the top, ignorance at the bottom, sealed by the DSM — Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Disorders, a feature of naturally-weaponized Psychiatry — they assist in further victimizing the victim with an egregious “diagnosis” and general hand-over to the neuro-experimenters and neuro-controllers for further victimizing with psychiatric drugs, social isolation, and continued exploitation.

In addition, insidious neuroweapons engage today in subliminal mind control, precisely what the CIA and their wealthy banker patrons want: a radio-hypnotically controlled populace, docile and sheeplike. And currently, especially the families and friends of non-consensual test subjects, so that barbaric MK ULTRA-style neuro-experimentation can continue, without interference.

Activists, journalists, whistle-blowers, people reporting corruption are being hit with these weapons, and being character-assassinated by fusion center protocol to permit exploitation.

Geral Sosbee, FBI whistleblower in his many posts online has spelled out for all how America really has fallen and how the CIA and FBI are culpable; Karen Stewart, NSA whistleblower advises that the DHS be dismantled. Barbara Hartwell, CIA whistleblower has today published a reprint of an article written earlier covering the Black Ops Mind Control and Ritual Sacrifice aspects behind the evil masterminding of 9/11 by deranged criminals posturing as Americans inside our government: Tyranny, Treachery, Terrorism & Trauma: The Formula.

President’s Men, 9/11/Image from The War on Terror Was a Hoax, Americans Were Deceived

I suggest that people start waking up in a hurry and working to understand the true horrors of these “anti-personnel” “crowd-control” “dual-use” “non-lethal” electromagnetic and acoustic and neural Directed-Energy Weapons, because those who report the remote use of such weapons on their bodies are reporting extreme abuse (Would You like to be electrically vibrated, shocked, burned, and pulsed, in any part of your anatomy — and I mean ANY part, from a distance?), and what this really portends is that All of humanity, let alone all of USA, will soon be under threat of their subjection if we do not commonly rise and demand that their use, even experimentally, on citizens be immediately terminated. The very-near future promises to be Neuro Slavery and Remote Electronic Slavery for all if humanity does not act.

This is the real domestic cost of 9/11, and it is absurd that this is not being splashed across the front pages of the world, today, on 9/11/2018. The front pages are locked down though, and that’s a reason to shut down treasonous Mainstream Media as well.

Please visit everydayconcerned.net, surveillanceissues.com, mindjustice.org, peacepink.ning.com, icaact.org, icator.be, targetedjustice.com, citizensaht.org, biggerthansnowden.com, and many other fine websites for more information.
