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RE: Heartbreaking Child badly injured in Assad/Russia airstriek , CNN Anchor Who Broke Down On TV While Reporting On Syrian

in #news9 years ago (edited)

This kind of thing happens everyday, we have sold Saudi Arabia billions in bombs and weapons and they are currently bombing Yemen. Just this week they have bombed a hospital and a school. I tear up watching the video but the fact this kid is being used as a propaganda tool. If it wasn't for the united states backing rebels to topple Assad this civil war would be over. And if Russia hadn't come I. To help Assad Syria would be the hell hole Lybia currently is.


You are half statement is right as this kind of thing happens everyday. but the child weather it is from Russia or from Yemen or from Syria or form united state is innocent and every one tear up some situation is now days in Indian occupied Kashmir where Indian army killed innocent people and they misbehave with women\ i have seen the pictures and watched the videos fact is fact, USA and Russia are two main countries who can stop these type of worst activities but great sorrow they all support both sides to sell weapons and to rule all over the world.

No doubt the child is innocent, what I'm saying is without US funding rebels the civil war would be over by now...