The United Nations is the Nazi Banker World Government issuing all the Directives directly to our County Councils.

in #news7 years ago

Property Rights

Brexit is a Zombie Media distraction. The EU is just an area coordinator.
The United Nations is the Nazi Banker World Government issuing all the Directives directly to our County Councils. Agenda 21 continues its process with the Paedophile charter for schools, the creation of Colony Cities for the populations which they call Sanctuary Cities, the hidden mass Muslim immigration & the Common Purpose Nazis in every area of government admin.

If you watch this USA video

they are losing their Property Rights with fires & rebuilding regulations. If you look at the UK we have lost The Land Registry with the deeds of 900 years of Public Owned property, roads, parks, buildings, National Parks etc

The next stage is the theft of private property & homes by; energy debt, council tax bills, car loans etc. When you get into unsustainable debt they will take your homes.

This is the Germans taking over Nation States by covert bank debt right down to the individual.
This is WW3 by asymmetric warfare on a domestic population by its own government.

United Nations Agenda 21 wants all world populations driven into Colony Cities as slaves in a rentier society with no possessions.

26th December 2017

As a subscriber to Benjamin Fulfords' news sheet, I was a bit taken aback when he suggested that the G7 & the 13 Royal Bloodlines were willing to negotiate.
It seemed obvious to me that while the Global government had continued with its Agenda 21 & 30 and achieved many of its objectives, to stop now would leave us having lost everything & achieved nothing.
Their alleged attempt to maintain control of the World Economic System seemed particularly farcical, even more so when they allegedly said. "People would not work if they had control of the world economy !"
This comes from the criminal leeches who have lived off the public purse without doing their jobs for their Nation or their public duty.

26th December 2017