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RE: The 📺 YouTube🤢Purge is Here!

in #news8 years ago

The tech giants are all comprised of the same types of people with the same beliefs and opinions, and they've now started to leverage the power that their monopolies gives them to silence opposing views.

Google modifies their search algorithms to favor left-wing content and fired an employee for respectfully vocalizing solutions to the diversity-first hiring methods at the company. Facebook curates pro-left, anti-right content in their trending section and frequently bans Conservative accounts. Twitter shadowbans popular trending hashtags if they're critical of Liberal values. YouTube has started demonitizing Conservative channels to purge them from the system, while equally or more offensive content from The Young Turks is not only allowed by promoted. Reddit actively bans any pro-Conservative or anti-Liberal content from any of the primary news or politics subs and even respectful comments are deleted and result in being banned from those subs. Patreon has started getting in on this anti-Conservative bandwagon too with the purge of Lauren Southern's account.

This is nothing less than a complete abuse of power to silence right-of-center news and opinion by the overwhelmingly Liberal tech industry. Until censorship-free alternatives like Steemit gain mass appeal, this abuse is going to continue and get even worse.