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RE: Donald Trumps decision to recognise Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights

in #news6 years ago (edited)

As I am not american I cannot comment on your president in regards to voting as it's none if my business I only see what he is doing from the outside and to be fair to him he is turning the country around economically and keeping many of his promises. In regards to Obama he was a very loved president for who he was, a very likeable guy but in regards to leading the country, he was weak and frankly not fit for purpose, he never did anything he promised which got him the votes to become president. Being a likeable guy doesn't mean a thing if he can't lead the country.

What I will say about trump is he isnot weak, far from it and it's quite clever how he allows the swamp monsters to get close to him and swiftly outs them for what they are mostly. He's by no means the idiot orange man people made him out to be, if anything he is very smart and calculating.

I agree that Hillary would have been a massive mistake to vote into power, she was a corrupt war monger even though trump has an agenda by not fully withdrawing the limited illegaly deployed troops in Syria I do think that Hillary would have jumped to a full scale invasion of Syria.

I have to say though that the US has no business in Syria whatsoever. Regardless of ISIS whom are still heavily linked to being created by the CIA in the first place, you can't just deploy into another sovereign state without the permission of that nation regardless of your motives, the west needs to stop interfering with the middle east. The only foreign troops in any country should be those requested by the host nation. I'm so sick of these political power games going on in the world and after being a guest of the Syrian people all I saw was how these games have caused great suffering to the citizens of syria who just want to live their lives and don't care about the political power plays going on.

I'm also sick of Israel bombing Syria contstantly and demanding Iranian troops leave Syria, who do they think they are, if Syria want Iranian troops in their country that is their choice and nobody elses business. During my time in the golan heights I never witnessed a single act of aggression from the Syrian side towards Israel yet I witnessed hundreds of Israeli missiles fired into Syria on multiple occasions in breach of the 1974 UN resolution and the UN knew about it of course but the UN is just too weak to do anything but condemn them and use strong words. Sometimes you have to wonder what exactly is the point of the UN.


I have to say though that the US has no business in Syria whatsoever.

Technically the U.S. has no business in most of the places it is in. We also should never be committing war without declaring it. Yet it has been a very long time since the country followed that stipulation of our Constitution.

I'm so sick of these political power games going on in the world

All across the world. It is a real mess.

Sometimes you have to wonder what exactly is the point of the UN.

Unelected global governance. Often I think they inspire and create problems so they can rush in with solutions we otherwise would not embrace. Hegelian Dialectic.