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RE: YouTube "Tweaks" Its Search Algos After Las Vegas Conspiracy Theories Go Viral

in #news7 years ago

No sir, the 'truth' is the last thing 'Big Brother' wants known. The government prefers the public to be at just the right stage of ignorant. Many people are finally figuring out they have a brain, and it it's okay to use it, but they're also figuring out that just because something comes from their televisions, it doesn't make it the truth. If you think about, television is mostly actors speaking a pre-written script, and falsely advertised products, why should we believe the 'news' is any different? It's okay for 'Human Interest' stories, and sports scores, but I haven't watched that propaganda in quite a few years.

If you think about, televisions are about the same things as the 'Telescreens' from George Orwell's, "1984" book. The only difference is, 'Big Brother' isn't watching us through our televisions...or isn't he. The cameras in Smart TV's are easily hackable. I can't imagine the CIA, FBI, and/or the NSA not salivating over getting that data. Gotta watch people have 'relations' in the privacy of their own bedrooms in case they start discussing 'Terrorism.'

There's a HUGE interest in keeping the public misinformed, and under control, so they do, lest their crimes be known.