This is a picture of a mock Banda Aceh mosque at the time of the young Sultan Iskandar in 1873. mosque with traditional ornaments with nuasa islami at that time.
Then the Banda Aceh mosque was built by the Dutch government in 1879. At that time the mosque Baiturrahman has one dome.
And with the efforts of the governor A. PH. Van Aken, in 1936 the Banda Aceh mosque was expanded and had three domes.
Since 1957 the Banda Aceh highway mosque was officially renamed the Baiturrahman Mosque by the Indonesian government and expanded by adding two more domes. so it becomes five domes, which means Pancasila in the Veranda of Mecca.
This is the last face of the latest Baiturrahman mosque. in 2017 Baiturrahman highway mosque was inaugurated by the father of the governor Zaini Abdullah, where the mosque has been enlivened with the existence of umbrella umbrella-like mosque nabawi in Medina.
Good post..
Semangat terus Mbak nya :)
Terima kasih...