Currently only 1 person in 100 million knows about Steemit

in #news9 years ago (edited)

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Only 28k accounts according to steemd and only 4-5k posts every day. There are going to be a lot more once the numbers double over the next ten days or so.

what evidence do you have that suggests the doubling?

This might help at least for seeing the daily growth.

I have been watching it since july7th on and we get about 3-4K new accounts per day. In ten days that doubles the accounts

1 in 100 million? You mean there are only 70 people who know about Steem? lol...

I can't believe this comment isn't worth any money...lulz

I read this the other day.Maybe this was the conclusion of this post?!
"Now Steemit has almost 10.000 users or maybe more and on the planet are around 7,437,124,904 that means there are 1.34 % who knows about Steemit and the Steem Power is spectacular high." @the-future

congrats everybody, we made it! phew....

was telling my friends all about it today at dinner, been invited to their place to go over it with them and show what steemit is about

Not going to lie but I got to give some credit to Youtube as this is how I came about knowing about Steemit.

Same here. Craig Grant and Crypt0 are the reason I am on Steem. Props to those guys.

Well done. I also thinking about popularization.
If Us will be more, will benefit from it all

What do you think about idea ?

It is an interesting platform, no doubt. The possibilities truly seem sky high. This same concept could be extended to a lot of other artistic mediums, other than writing. This same concept could work just as well with audio and visual concepts--obviously, with markup visual is already being incorporated to a certain extent, but that is not the context I am referring to. I am excited to be a part of the evolution, and I am certainly glad to be one of the early adopters!

I live in the UK and since joining steemit have done nothing but spread the word . One person i spoke to about steemit had heard about it with the rest not having a clue what in was talking about. Its down to us brave pioneers to educate the masses on the Steem train that it steemit.

I could swear I saw that same chart in the Dogecoin subreddit back in the day.

Exactly how does one become part of the "Smart money" crowd, I wonder?