
certainly, with Jesse Ventura on The Greens, any worthwhile honest Dem should kick the dem party into the gutter where it belongs. Greens now seem to be focused on generating a support platform for famous people to run, and this is the key to combating the TeaPublicans, as that's how they do it, this is where Democrat Reagan was targeted (and converted), ditto for Trump. The difference is, Greens can attract "responsible" famous people, not crazy corrupt famous people, resulting in The Greens have the advantage over the TeaPublicans for the first time.

I would love to vote for Jesse Ventura, but I can see the corporate media smears already. We'd be mocked for supporting a "professional wrestler" by the very same propagandists who propped up a shitty reality TV star with billions in free advertising as a "pied piper" candidate while trying to stack the deck for Hillary Clinton. They'll probably try to say he's involved in a grand conspiacy involving Russia too, even without any basis for the claim, just because he has a show on RT America. In reality though, Ventura is one of few politicians who have been successful as a third party independent and he's totally right on all the major issues I care most about.

The main thing is Jesse has to continue talking sense which guarantees a gradual shift to him/the greens and other progressive movements.

The guy on the right was full of contradicting waffle. "Greens only show up at the election, so that's not an option"... then "Progressive party, no framework, people are airhead anarchists, no framework for them and they'd never build one"...
What an idiot. Greens have an existing framework almost fully built. They have the agenda Progressives want. Why wouldn't the progressives utilize it. ...and more to the point, if progressive types (which is essentially a Green...) don't utilize it, it proves they're incompetent and shouldn't be running, and proves they prefer setting themselves up for failure. In today's fast moving world, if you take time to build a party, The One Party and its money will have something ready to counter it by the time you're ready to unveil your pure progressive party. We need change NOW. The Dems are the One Party, Genocidal Israel and other interests won't allow you to change it, so it's not an option. A new progressive party will likely be ready for battle in 6 years, 4 years too late. The only option is utilize The Greens platform. What ALL Progressives and Greens need to be doing is encouraging all famous people, actors/resses, bands, sports people etc etc, to run for The Public with Jesse Ventura. We get a few more famous people onboard and everything changes, FAST. Forget about policy. The whole focus need to be on getting famous people and providing them a political support platform. Trump proves you don't need to be a politician to win an election. Fame will trump experience/talent for a win, as The Voting Public are uneducated/indoctrinated by the existing system.