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RE: Gun Control in The Real World

in #news6 years ago

Speaking of weapons. We have control in our country. Suppose a person wants to make a bomb. The easiest option is to buy fertilizers, oxygen cylinder, nuts, nails. In the picnic shop you need to take charcoal. Grind the coal in a mortar. Then mix: sulfur, coal, saltpeter, it is desirable to add aluminum shavings. There will be a good detonator. The fabric must be doused with resin. Pour nails and nuts onto the fabric with resin. It is advisable to nail nails with wire cutters. This will be a striking matrix. Black powder is used as a detonator. An explosion of gunpowder provokes an explosion of oxygen, and the damaging matrix scatters as a result of the explosion, causing damage.
It is clear that all things can simply be bought at the store. However, if you buy them all in one store, the police will come to you. Do you have similar control?
This little bomb can sometimes be used for hunting. But to assemble a small nuclear bomb is not a problem. Especially if there is an OZK. Given that many things are sold in the store, it is easy to make a simple rocket, and this is already dangerous. It is clear that such knowledge is not in the public domain. Moreover, it is criminally punishable to us to tell how to assemble a nuclear bomb, make a rocket and launch it. Subscription is given. Do you somehow control this?


"It is clear that such knowledge is not in the public domain."

The opposite is true. People are simply discouraged from learning information that can reduce the power of thugs to project force against them.

A boy scout some years ago attempted to make a nuke in his garden shed. Sadly, despite the basic plan being functional, his safety protocols were insufficient to prevent being fatally poisoned in the attempt. Children are able to gain this information without particular sophistication, and it is not possible to suppress nominally.

Going forward, greater functionality will be possible to individuals as a result of technological advance, and in time institutions are going to be prevented from projecting force to continue parasitizing civilians. Freedom is coming.

I say he needed a set of OZK